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    Dao De Jing

    Dao De Jing

    Mooi exemplaar. Het is een wat groter vierkant formaat, Engelstalige paperback uitgave met zijflappen. Het is een vertelling in stripvorm over de geschiedenis van Dao de Jing, ook wel Tao Te Ching of Tao Te King geschreven, is een van de belangrijkste geschriften van het taoïsme, dat naast het confucianisme en boeddhisme een van de grote drie Chinese filosofieën is. De teksten van het boek zouden door Lao Zi uitgesproken zijn in de 6e eeuw voor Christus. Fantastische uitgave die geschikt is voor het lesgeven of op een speelse manier leren wat de lessen uit de geschiedenis zijn.

    From bestselling cartoonist C.C. Tsai, a delightfully illustrated version of the classic work of Daoist philosophy

    C.C. Tsai is one of Asia's most popular cartoonists, and his editions of the Chinese classics have sold more than 40 million copies in over twenty languages. Here, he works his magic again with a delightful graphic adaptation of the complete text of Laozi's Dao De Jing, the beloved source of Daoist philosophy. Masterfully transforming Laozi's challenging work into entertaining and enlightening episodes, Tsai offers a uniquely fresh, relevant, and accessible version of one of the world's most influential books.

    After opening with Laozi's biography from the Shi Ji, Tsai turns the stage over to Laozi, who patiently explains his ideas to his earnest students (and us). Laozi describes the spontaneity of natural processes, the paradoxical effects of ethical precepts, the limits of language, the values of simplicity, and, above all else, how to go with the flow. In brief episodes that tantalize and inspire, he takes us into the subtle complexities of human existence. Ultimately, Laozi, a master visionary, guides us to the mountaintop to reveal an expansive view of life.

    A marvelous edition of a timeless classic, this book also presents Laozi's original Chinese text in sidebars on each page, enriching the book for readers and students of Chinese without distracting from the English-language cartoons. The text is skillfully translated by Brian Bruya, who also provides an illuminating introduction.

    Laozi; C.C. Tsai (illustrated by); Pico Iyer (foreword by);

    € 13,50

    CONFUCIUS. The...

    CONFUCIUS. The Analects. An Illustrated Edition

    LET OP: Dit boek bevat in het begin wat markeringen met een oranje markeerstift. Uitsluitend in de Introduction. Het is een wat groter vierkant formaat, Engelstalige paperback uitgave met zijflappen. Het is een vertelling in stripvorm over de geschiedenis van Confucius, de Chinese filosoof en politicus tijdens de Zhou-dynastie. Fantastische uitgave die geschikt is voor het lesgeven of op een speelse manier leren wat de lessen uit de geschiedenis zijn.

    For the first time in one volume, The Analects illustrated by bestselling cartoonist C. C. Tsai

    C. C. Tsai is one of Asia's most popular cartoonists, and his editions of the Chinese classics have sold more than 40 million copies in over twenty languages. This volume presents Tsai's delightful graphic adaptation of The Analects, one of the most influential books of all time and a work that continues to inspire countless readers today.

    Tsai's expressive drawings bring Confucius and his students to life as no other edition of the Analects does. See Confucius engage his students over the question of how to become a leader worth following in a society of high culture, upward mobility, and vicious warfare. Which virtues should be cultivated, what makes for a harmonious society, and what are the important things in life? Unconcerned with religious belief but a staunch advocate of tradition, Confucius emphasizes the power of society to create sensitive, respectful, and moral individuals. In many ways, Confucius speaks directly to modern concerns--about how we can value those around us, educate the next generation, and create a world in which people are motivated to do the right thing.

    A marvelous introduction to a timeless classic, this book also features an illuminating foreword by Michael Puett, coauthor of The Path: What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us about the Good Life. In addition, Confucius's original Chinese text is artfully presented in narrow sidebars on each page, enriching the books for readers and students of Chinese without distracting from the self-contained English-language cartoons. The text is skillfully translated by Brian Bruya, who also provides an introduction.

    Confucius; C.C. Tsai (illustrated by);

    € 13,50

    On Becoming a Jungian...

    On Becoming a Jungian Sandplay Therapist

    Engelstalige paperback uitgave. Mooi exemplaar, geen naam voorin, nog mooie rechte rug, geen aantekeningen, zo goed als nieuw. In kleur geillustreerde uitgave van deze bijzondere therapievorm die kinderen of volwassen uitnodigt om in aanwezigheid van een getrainde psychotherapeut driedimensionale afbeeldingen in een tafelmodel zandbak te maken met miniatuurobjecten en beeldjes. Het is een expressieve, non-verbale, creatieve benadering, die wordt gebruikt bij kinderen, volwassenen, koppels en gezinnen in verschillende settings. Ook creatieve therapeuten en speltherapeuten passen deze methode toe.

    On Becoming a Jungian Sandplay Therapist discusses the deep inner process of entering the sandplay profession and addresses important creative aspects of understanding and practising sandplay. It describes the current theory behind the approach and the roles of the therapist and the client, as well as exploring the healing potential of nature and the numinous in art and sandplay. It provides a detailed case study outlining the ten year sandplay process of an Israeli woman of North African origin, whose fear was transformed by creativity and emotional support. Later chapters look at symbols as containers of power, and discuss the use of individual sandplay in group sessions.

    Offering a unique creative and spiritual perspective of Jungian sandplay, this book will be an insightful resource for both novice and experienced sandplay therapists, as well as other therapists interested in sandplay training.

    Lenore F. Steinhardt ;

    € 29,95

    Five Lost Classics....

    Five Lost Classics. Tao, Huanglao and Yin-yang in Han China

    Engelstalige hardcover met stofomslag. Boek en omslag vertonen lichte sporen van gebruik maar zijn nog wel in goede staat. Geen naam voorin en ook geen aantekeningen in het boek. Goed exemplaarl.

    Three schools of Taoism flourished at the beginning of the Han Dynasty in 2nd-Century B.C. China: the Lao-tzu, the Chuang-tzu, and the Huang-Lao, the last being the most influential philosophy at the court of the Han rulers. But, after Confucianism became the predominant court philosophy in the 1st Century B.C., Huang-Lao Taoism became little more than a name; its central principles virtually forgotten, its texts destroyed or lost.
    In 1973, among the many unique documents discovered in the richly furnished tomb of a Han-dynasty aristocrat, were five books written on silk, primary texts of Huang-lao Taoism and Yin-yang philosophy that had been lost to mankind for more than 2,000 years. A discovery as important in China as the unearthing of the Dead Sea Scrolls was in the West, the Mawangdui texts created a sensation when they were first published, even leading to the foundation of a new religion on Taiwan. Now Robin D. S. Yates, a noted expert in Chinese history and philosophy, offers the first complete translation of these precious and unique texts to be published in a Western language.
    As Professor Yates explains in his illuminating introduction to this volume, the recovery of the five lost classics sheds new light on a critical transitional period of Chinese political and intellectual history. Implicit in the texts is the assumption that a ruler who strives to align himself with the unknowable, transcendent order of the cosmos will become a "true king" capable of commanding the allegiance of a unified China. To this end, the essays deal with concrete questions of self-cultivation and political insight rather than with the abstract considerations typical of Western philosophy.
    The first four texts focus on different facets of Huang-lao Taoism while the fifth is devoted to Yin-yang philosophy: The Canon: Law unfolds the essence of the Tao and explains why rulers must abide within the boundaries of the law; The Canon is largely cast as a series of stories and dialogues between the mythological Yellow Emperor and his leading officials; Designations is a collection of fifty-four aphorisms expounding the eternal dilemmas of the human condition; Tao the Origin is an essay on the origin of the Tao; The Nine Rulers, the fragmentary fifth text, is a Yin-yang essay that considers the laws of nature which effective rulers must understand and obey. It is the only Yin-yang text which has survived almost whole into the Twentieth Century, and is valuable because its philosophy is basic to the origins of Huang-Lao tradition.
    Brilliantly translated by Professor Yates and prefaced with his fascinating and informative introduction, Five Lost Classics is as accessible to general readers as it is illuminating to scholars. With the publication of this volume, a document of inestimable value takes its place, after a two thousand year hiatus, in the canon of world literature and philosophy.

    Robin D.S. Yates;

    € 18,50

    Handboek positieve...

    Handboek positieve psychologie

    Paperback, initialen op schutblad, verder in zeer goede staat

    De positieve psychologie is een snelgroeiende stroming in de psychologie, die is gericht op veerkracht, optimaal functioneren en positieve gezondheid. Het is een stroming die nieuwe mogelijkheden biedt voor toepassingen in de geestelijke en algemene gezondheidszorg, het onderwijs en arbeidsorganisaties. Versterken van mogelijkheden De positieve psychologie zoals de auteurs van dit handboek die voorstaan, richt zich op het versterken van de mogelijkheden van de mens om een plezierig, zinvol en (op de ander) betrokken leven te leiden. Erkenning van en omgaan met negatieve emoties en moeilijke leefomstandigheden zijn hiervan wezenlijke onderdelen. Ook gaat het om een goede balans tussen het zelf (individueel functioneren) en de ander (samenleven en betrokken zijn, het zelf overstijgen). Praktische toepassing Dit handboek biedt professionals die positieve psychologie willen toepassen in hun werk, een overzicht van de wetenschappelijke onderbouwing en praktische toepassingen van belangrijke thema's in de positieve psychologie, zoals: positieve emoties, talentontwikkeling, posttraumatische groei, hoop, waardenontwikkeling en positieve relaties. Daarnaast bevat het veel praktische oefeningen. Het handboek is ook zeer geschikt voor toepassing in het onderwijs aan studenten psychologie. Over de auteurs Ernst Bohlmeijer is hoogleraar psychologie aan de Universiteit Twente. Linda Bolier is als psycholoog en projectleider verbonden aan het Trimbos-instituut. Gerben Westerhof is universitair hoofddocent psychologie aan de Universiteit Twente. Jan Walburg is voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur van het Trimbos-instituut.

    E.T. Bohlmeijer ;

    € 21,50
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