A History of the... A History of the Tajiks: Iranians of the East Iranians of the East Engelstalige paperback, nieuwstaat. In this comprehensive and up to date history, from prehistoric proto-Indo-Iranian times to the post-Soviet period, Richard Foltz traces the complex linguistic, cultural and political history of the Tajiks, a Persian-speaking Iranian ethnic group from the modern-day Central Asian states of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan. In eight chapters, the author explores the revitalisation of Persian culture under the Samanid Empire in the Tajik heartlands of historical Khorasan and Transoxiana, analyses the evolution of the politics of Tajik identity and traces the history of the ethnic Tajik diaspora today. Richard Foltz; € 40,00 In winkelwagen
Mystiek en magie Mystiek en magie Grote hardback met stofomslag in zeer goede staat. Fraai geillustreerd. Mystiek & magie gaat over de geschiedenis van mysteriën en bijgeloof, wonderen en wondergeloof, toverkracht en hekserij. André en Lynette Singer hebben oude en nieuwe verhalen over bovennatuurlijke fenomenen uit alle delen van de wereld bijeen gezocht en vergeleken, en zijn daarbij tevens ingegaan op de hedendaagse relevantie van de oude religies. Waarom worden in ons door wetenschap en rationaliteit beheerste tijdperk nog altijd wonderen en bovennatuurlijke verschijnselen waargenomen? Hebben moderne 'stadsmythen' voor ons dezelfde betekenis als de Odyssee en Ilias hadden voor de oude Grieken? Zijn wonderen werkelijk mogelijk? Bestaan heksen echt en heeft de middeleeuwse hekserij iets gemeen met de moderne Afrikaanse hekserij of met hedendaagse sekten in Europa en de Verenigde Staten?Mystiek & magie gaat in op de verschillende aspecten van het bovennatuurlijke en de instrumenten van goed en kwaad: goeden en godinnen, engelen en heiligen, duivels, demonen en vampieren, bijgeloof, toekomstvoorspellingen, tovenarij, geesten en necromantie, vreemde wezens en buitengewone gebeurtenissen. Met dit boek is het eerste werkelijk toegankelijke en grondig gedocumenteerde onderzoek verschenen van alles wat met het bovennatuurlijke te maken heeft. André Singer; Lynette Singer ; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Onzichtbare muren.... Onzichtbare muren. Over het verinnerlijken van seksuele grenzen Paperback in goede staat. Deel franse titelpagina ontbreekt. Klein vouwtje in achterplat. Marion den Uyl; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Emotional Worlds Emotional Worlds Engelstalige paperback, in goede staat Are emotions human universals? Is the concept of emotion an invention of Western tradition? If people in other cultures live radically different emotional lives how can we ever understand them? Using vivid, often dramatic, examples from around the world, and in dialogue with current work in psychology and philosophy, Andrew Beatty develops an anthropological perspective on the affective life, showing how emotions colour experience and transform situations; how, in turn, they are shaped by culture and history. In stark contrast with accounts that depend on lab simulations, interviews, and documentary reconstruction, he takes the reader into unfamiliar cultural worlds through a 'narrative' approach to emotions in naturalistic settings, showing how emotions tell a story and belong to larger stories. Combining richly detailed reporting with a careful critique of alternative approaches, he argues for an intimate grasp of local realities that restores the heartbeat to ethnography. Andrew Beatty ; € 14,50 In winkelwagen
Culturele antropologie Culturele antropologie Mooi exemplaar. Paperback als nieuw. Peter Kloos; € 8,50 In winkelwagen
Kwaio Religion. The... Kwaio Religion. The Living and the Dead in a Solomon Island Society Paperback. Underlining with pencil. In fairly good condition. Incl. images in black and white. Keesing, Roger M.; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Trespassers on the Amazon Trespassers on the Amazon Hardcover with dustjacket in very good condition. Illustrated. Ure, John; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Kanake, the Melanesian... Kanake, the Melanesian way Large paperback in good condition with beautiful pictures. Text in English. Tjibaou, J.M.; Missorre, Ph.; € 6,50 In winkelwagen
Abantu, An... Abantu, An introduction to the black people of South Africa Hardcover with dustjacket, in a very good condition, with beautiful photographs. West, Martin; Morris, Jean; € 7,00 In winkelwagen
Marginality and... Marginality and Identity - Anglo-Indians as a Racially-Mixed Minority in India. [Gesigneerd -signed] Hardback in good condition. Personal dedication from Noel Gist written on first page. Edges and endpapers foxing. Cover shows signs of use. Noel P. Gist and Roy Dean Wright; € 40,00 In winkelwagen
Shabono Shabono Pocket in goede staat. Rug: verkleur en leesvouw. Donner, Florinda; € 3,00 In winkelwagen
The Maroni River... The Maroni River Caribs of Surinam Softcover met flappen in goede staat. Engelstalig. Geillustreerd. Kloos, Peter; € 20,00 In winkelwagen
Xingu, Unter Indianern... Xingu, Unter Indianern in Zentral-Brasilien Softcover in goede staat. Achterzijde cover en 20 pagina's hebben onderaan een butsje. Verder netjes. Oblong. Rijkelijk geillustreerd. Duitstalig. Met brochure 'Verzeichnis der Exponate'. Hartmann, Gunther; € 9,00 In winkelwagen
The Imagery of the... The Imagery of the Cosmological Buddha [Studies in South Asian Culture, Volume XIII] GEEN STOFOMSLAG. NO JACKET. LET OP: Enkele vlekken op voorzijde van de band. Large, linen bound hardback in a good condition. Several stains on front cover. Clean inside. Richly illustrated. Text in English. Out of print. Howard, Angela Falco; € 195,00 In winkelwagen
The romantic syndrome,... The romantic syndrome, Toward a new method in cultural anthropology and history of ideas. Paperback in redelijke staat. Band deels verkleurd. Roestvlekkerig en vlekjes. Geillustreerd. Engelstalig. Jones, W.T.; € 10,00 In winkelwagen
The ceque system of... The ceque system of Cuzco. Groot formaat hardback in redelijk goede staat. Vlek op voor- en achterplat. Etiktje op cover. Kleine inscriptie op titelpagina. Incidenteel restanten van potloodmarkeringen. Engelstalig. International Archives of Ethnography, Supplement to Vol. L. Zuidema, R.T.; € 85,00 In winkelwagen
The history of... The history of Melanesian society. Volume I and II [set of 2] Set van 2 linnen gebonden hardbacks in goede staat. Goudopdruk. Met fotokatern. Rivers, W.H.R.; € 12,00 In winkelwagen
Minangkabau, Social... Minangkabau, Social strata and culture. Paperback in a good condition. Illustrated. Text in English. Azhar, Syamsul; € 18,50 In winkelwagen
Elites and Society Elites and Society Small size pocket in good condition. Mosca, Pareto, Wrhigth Mills, Raymond Aron. About the working of societies. Bottomore, T.B.; € 4,00 In winkelwagen
Servants of... Servants of Globalization. Paperback, traces of use, in good condition. A poignant, often troubling, study of Filipina domestic workers who leave their own families behind to do the mothering and caretaking work of the global economy in countries throughout the world. Rhacel Salazar Parrenas; € 18,50 In winkelwagen
De kortste... De kortste introductie: Culturele antropologie Paperback, als nieuw. Mooi ex. John Monaghan en Peter Just; € 3,99 In winkelwagen
Pijn en cultuur Pijn en cultuur Paperback, als nieuw. Mooi ex. Cultureel-antropologische beschouwingen over allerlei aspecten van pijn. Henk Driessen; € 6,99 In winkelwagen
In de ban van betekenis In de ban van betekenis Paperback, met leesvouwen, in goede staat. Geillustreerd. Henk Driessen en Huub de Jonge (red.); € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Archaeoastronomy in... Archaeoastronomy in pre-Columbian America Cloth. In a good condition. Ex libris on flyleaf. Illustrated. No dust jacket. Aveni, Anthony F. (ed.); € 18,50 In winkelwagen
Skywatchers of ancient... Skywatchers of ancient Mexico Cloth. Spot on dust jacket, endpapers, edges and a few pages. Ills. In reasonable condition. Eveni, Anthony F.; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
The Theory of Human... The Theory of Human Culture Hardcover, in good condition. James Feibleman; € 17,50 In winkelwagen
Four Ways of Being Human Four Ways of Being Human Hardcover, in good condition. With illustrations. Gene Lisitzky; € 11,99 In winkelwagen
The Human Way The Human Way Paperback, discoloured spine, in good condition. H. Russell Bernard; € 17,99 In winkelwagen
Society and the Dance Society and the Dance Paperback, crease in spine, slightly discoloured spine, in good condition. Presenting seven examples from Africa, Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Oceania, this study attempts to further the anthropological understanding of dance's social significance and critical relevance by exploring it as a reflection of social forces. Paul Spencer; € 22,50 In winkelwagen
Profiles in Ethnology Profiles in Ethnology Hardcover, traces of use, name on title page, in good condition. With pictures. Elman R. Service; € 11,50 In winkelwagen
Art, Art Objects, and... Art, Art Objects, and Ritual in the Mimika Culture Paperback, in good condition. With pictures. Simon Kooijman; € 75,00 In winkelwagen
Trans-Pacific Echoes... Trans-Pacific Echoes and Resonances. Hardcover with dustjacket, traces of use, in good condition. With pictures. This monograph is a review of the present state of knowledge of the relationships and consequences of over 25 centuries of interactions between the Amerindian and Asean Circum-Pacific regions. A fascinating, special case of previous work by two Asianists on similar themes of the Euro-Asian Continental land mass, providing the theoretical framework within which the complexities of cultural cross-pattern are studied.The subjects dicussed individually begin with the elements of recording and writing, continuing through the arts, religion, folklore and an eventual examination of the natural sciences and technology. There is also a discussion in this context of evidence from and the relevance of ethno-botany, ethno-zoology and ethno-helminthology.The underlying thesis of this volume is the relative independence and powerfully original development and evolution of Amerindian cultures and societies in Central and South America. Joseph Needham; Gwei-Djen Lu; € 18,50 In winkelwagen