The Encyclopaedia of... The Encyclopaedia of Insulting Behaviour Engelstalige pocket in zeer goede staat. Geen naam voorin, rechte rug, ietsjes verkleuring aan de randjes van de cover en een miniem knikje op een hoekje. Geillustreerd met leuke cartoontekeningen. Editors; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Coffee with the Buddha Coffee with the Buddha Kleiner formaat Engelstalige hardcover met stofomslag in mooie staat. Het boekje is als nieuw en cadeauwaardig. The earth trembles. Lions, tigers, and scorpions grow tame. Humans shower one another with kindness. Such marvels herald a wondrous event: Siddhartha Gautama, known as The Buddha. What knowledge would such a sage have to impart? The Way of the Bodhisattva becomes clear as The Buddha speaks here about suffering and the hardships of life (reminding us that help is always near), impermanence, reincarnation, karma, desire, morality, mindfulness, compassion, love, and the body. Joan Duncan Oliver--editorial director of the One Spirit book club and contributor to Tricycle: The Buddhist Review--conducts the "interview,” while singer/composer Annie Lennox, a practicing Buddhist, provides the enlightening preface. Joan Duncan Oliver; Annie Lennox (foreword by); € 7,50 In winkelwagen
The Sound and the Fury The Sound and the Fury Engelstalige pocket, mooi exemplaar, geen naam voorin, nog een vrij nette rug met slechts een paar kleine leeslijntjes, klassieker. Meestal zijn ze kapotgelezen. Printed in the USA. Faulkner is een Nobelprijswinnaar. William Faulkner; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Who Moved My BlackBerry? Who Moved My BlackBerry? Engelstalige paperback, mooi exemplaar, zo goed als nieuw. Hi! Let me introduce myself. I'm Martin Lukes, Special Projects Director at a-b global (UK). In your hands is a highly unique book, which pushes the envelope literature-wise. As you will see, it is a 120 per cent honest account of a year of my life - a phenomenal year of personal progress, corporate scandal and marital drama. It not only chronicles my promotion to one of the foremost executive positions globally, but is also a profound journey of personal learning, aided and abetted by my coach, Pandora. I am often asked why I want to share my deeply private philosophies with such a wide audience. I always say it is because I am passionate about learning. I have grown from my own mistakes, both in the professional space and the personal one, and I believe that there are many key takeaways for you here too. Who Moved My BlackBerry (TM)? is a creovative(TM) work - to use a phrase of mine that has now entered the business lingo. I anticipate it will be the must-read of 2005. Lucy Kellaway; Martin Lukes; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby Mooie Engelstalige Penguin pocket, geen naam voorin, knal oranje en kaarsrechte rug. In zeer goede staat. Klassieker. Jay Gatsby is the man who has everything. But one thing will always be out of his reach ...Everybody who is anybody is seen at his glittering parties. Day and night his Long Island mansion buzzes with bright young things drinking, dancing and debating his mysterious character. For Gatsby, young, handsome, fabulously rich, always seems alone in the crowd, watching and waiting, though no one knows what for. Beneath the shimmering surface of his life he is hiding a secret, a silent longing that can never be fulfilled. And soon this destructive obsession will force his world to unravel. F. Scott Fitzgerald; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
The Girl with Green Eyes The Girl with Green Eyes Engelstalige pocket, naam op titelpagina, in goede staat. From eccentric Joanna's boarding house, predatory Baba roams Dublin looking for men to give her a good time - and dragging with her a reluctant Cait, worrying about her figure and wanting to talk about books. Then she meets dark, long-faced Eugene Gaillard, a film director, and for a while Cait's romantic dreams seem to be fulfilled. But Eugene Gaillard is a Protestant divorce, and when Cait's drunkard father gets to hear of it, he summons a lynch mob. Edna O`Brien; € 4,00 In winkelwagen
Girls in their Married... Girls in their Married Bliss Engelstalige pocket, miniem scheurtje in schutblad, geen naam voorin, 1 klein leesvouwtje in de rug, in goede staat. Edna O`Brien; € 4,00 In winkelwagen
Staging Shakespeare at... Staging Shakespeare at the New Globe Engelstalige paperback rechte rug, zonder leesvouwen. In zeer goede staat. Geen naam voorin en geen ezelsoren. What have we learned from the first experiments performed at the reconstructed Globe on Bankside? What light have recent productions shed on the way Shakespeare intended his plays to be seen? Written by the Leverhulme Fellow appointed to study and record actor use of this new-old playhouse, here is the first analytical account of the discoveries that have been made in its important first years, in workshops, rehearsals and performances. It shows how actors, directors and playgoers have responded to the demands of 'historical' constraints (and unexpected freedoms) to provide valuable new insights into the dynamics of Elizabethan theatre. P. Kiernan ; € 75,00 In winkelwagen
Unseen 2012 Unseen 2012 Dikke Engelstalige paperback met rechte rug zonder leesvouwen. In goede staat. Klein bruin vlekje op de achterkant. Fotocatalogus van de internationale fotografiebeurs, september 2012 te Amsterdam. Aaron Schuman ; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
100 families 100 families Engels en Duitstalige Paperback met rechte rug zonder leesvouwen. De hoekjes van de kaft hebben een beschermplakbandje. In zeer goede concitie. This volume brings together the completed four year project of Uwe Ommer. It is a collection of portraits and photographs of selected families, placed together in A Family Album of Planet Earth . The book captures the differing traditions and social conditions from over 150 countries. Dieses Volume vereint das abgeschlossene vierjährige Projekt von Uwe Ommer. Es ist eine Sammlung von Porträts und Fotografien ausgewählter Familien, zusammengetragen in einem "Familienalbum des Planeten Erde". Das Buch fängt die unterschiedlichen Traditionen und sozialen Bedingungen aus über 150 Ländern ein. Uwe Ommer; € 10,00 In winkelwagen
Storey's Basic Country... Storey's Basic Country Skills, a Practical Guide to Self-Reliance Engelstalige paperback in uitstekende staat. Oogt als nieuw! Whether you live on a small suburban lot or have a many acres in the country, this inspiring collection will empower you to increase your self-sufficiently and embrace a more independent lifestyle. A variety of authors share their specialized knowledge and provide practical instructions for basic country skills like preserving vegetables, developing water systems, keeping farm animals, and renovating barns. From sharpening an axe to baking your own bread, you'll be amazed at the many ways learning traditional skills can enrich your life. John Storey; Martha Storey ; € 14,00 In winkelwagen
The Book About Books,... The Book About Books, The anatomy of bibliomania Engelstalige hardcover met stofomslag. De stofomslag heeft een doorzichtige beschermtape waarmee deze professioneel is vastgemaakt aan de kaft. 1ste blz ex Libres en 3de blz kleine naamstempel. It has been said that when man needs company, a book is his best friend; when in doubt, a book is his adviser; when in damp spirits, a book is his comforter; and when bored, a book is his best recreation. Books are the lifeblood of humankind. With this in mind some 85 years ago, Holbrook Jackson, a highly respected man of letters, published in a limited edition a book called The Anatomy of Bibliomania. The current edition, now titled The Book About Books, was welcomed by book collectors and book lovers everywhere because the original was long out of print. Holbrook Jackson; € 20,00 In winkelwagen
Granta 27 a paperback... Granta 27 a paperback magazine of new writing Engelstalige Paperback Magazine geïllustreerd met rechte rug zonder leesvouwen. De kaft is iets verkleurd. A story becomes a story oce it has an ending, and there is no ending more powerful than death. The story of Romeo and Juliet begins when Romeo and Juliet die. The story of Othello. The story of Anna Karenina. The story of Madam Bowery, until their deaths, there is no Story. But what is the story of death itself? Granta 27, Death, presents work from fouteen writers and photographers who have set out to look at death and have tried to articulate what they have seen. Among the contributors: John Gregory Dummen, Edmund White, Mary McCarthy, Dam Mars-Jones, Louise Endrich, Michale Ignatieff. Buford Bill; € 6,50 In winkelwagen
George Orwell the... George Orwell the first Complete Biography Engelstalige hardcover, ingenaaid met stofomslag. De stofomslag is niet heel mooi meer hier en daar beschadigd en verkleurd. Hoekjes onderkant kaft licht ingedeukt. Binnenkant boek is netjes en schoon. Bernard Crick; € 18,00 In winkelwagen
Only Connect. Only Connect. Engelstalige paperback, als nieuw The Art of Corporate Storytelling Robert Mighall; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Billy Liar Billy Liar Mooi exemplaar, geen naam voorin, mooie rechte (onverkleurde) oranje rug, zeer goede staat. Keith Waterhouse; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Meaning and Reference... Meaning and Reference oxford readings in Philosophy Engelstalige paperback met rechte rug zonder leesvouwen. Minimale gebruikssporen aan de kaft en naam voorin. Part of the "Oxford Readings in Philosophy" series, this volume presents a selection of the major writings in the debate on the nature of meaning and reference which started 100 years ago with Frege's essay "On Sense and Reference". This subject lies at the heart of the philosophy of language. The aim of this series is to bring together important recent writings in major areas of philosophical inquiry, selected from a wide variety of sources, mostly periodicals, which may not be conveniently available to the university student or the general reader. The editor of each volume contributes an introductory essay on the items chosen and on the question which which they deal. A selective bibliography is appended as a guide to further reading. A.W. Moore; € 15,00 In winkelwagen
In Flanders Fields In Flanders Fields Engelstalige pocket met rechte rug zonder leesvouwen. Kaft is wat gelig. Geen beschadigingen. Of all the grim, gallant and inglorious battles of the Western Front, this is the name uniquely evocative of the mud and blood that pervaded the First World War. The total gain - a few thousand yards of indefensible slough - cost about a million Allied lives. Leon Wolff ; € 3,75 In winkelwagen
The Missing of the Somme The Missing of the Somme Engelstalige pocket met rechte rug zonder leesvouwen. Lichte gebruikssporen aan de kaft, verder in goede conditie. Geoff Dyer's classic "The Missing of the Somme" is part travelogue, part meditation on remembrance and completely, unabashedly, unlike any other book about the First World War. Through visits to battlefields and memorials, he examines the way that photographs and film, poetry and prose determined sometimes in advance of the events described the way we would think about and remember the war. With his characteristic originality and insight, Dyer untangles and reconstructs the network of myth and memory that illuminates our understanding of, and relationship to, the Great War. Geoff Dyer ; € 4,00 In winkelwagen
Major Voices 19th... Major Voices 19th Century American Women's Poetry Engelstalige paperback met rechte rug zonder leesvouwen. Geen naam voorin, geen ezelsoren There are a number of anthologies of nineteenth-century American women poets in print, but these tend to offer a very small sample of poems from a very large number of writers, often based around a specific topical concern. "Major Voices, this Toby anthology, compiled and edited by Shira Wolosky, will instead present a substantial number of texts by a select group of poets--focusing in depth on the major voices of that time. This anthology will thus allow the reader the opportunity to engage more deeply with the poetry; to see the range within each poet's writings, and the relation among the poets. An introductory essay will identify central concerns, historical backgrounds, evolving patterns and poetic issues, as marked through the course of the century. The work of these poets provides a gripping view of the creativity of nineteenth-century American women that has been until recently almost entirely lost to literary history. Supremely relevant to today's readers, this is poetry that began the efforts at the redefinition of self, of America, and of womanhood that continues to touch the lives and thoughts of so many today. Emily Dickinson; Emma Lazarus; Charlotte Gilman; Julia Ward Howe; € 12,50 In winkelwagen
Mutants on the form... Mutants on the form varieties and errors of the human body Engelstalige hardcover met stofomslag en illustraties. In zeer goede conditie. This text discusses issues of human molecular biology: how the body develops and grows from a single cell to an adult and then declines into old age. What the new molecular genetics has to tell us about the human condition, how a limb is formed? Why we have five fingers (and not six). What controls the size to which we grow? and why we age. Armand Marie Leroi ; € 17,00 In winkelwagen
Weimar and the Rise of... Weimar and the Rise of Hitler Engelstalige paperback rechte rug zonder leesvouwen. Lichte gebruikssporen. Hoekjes kaft zijn gebogen. This book is an introduction to the political history of the Weimar Republic. The failure, in the years after the First World War, of German democracy was of crucial importance to the world as a whole. Very often the causes of this failure haven been sought in the national character of the Germans, in their historical development, in the nature of Western capitalism, in the weaknesses of the Weimar constitution and sometimes in the hypnotic power of Adolf Hilter. While some of these exppanations are more respectable than others, none alone can satisfy any serious enquiry. The book begins with the German defeat in 1918 and teh revolutionary disturbances which followed the collapse of Kaiwer Wilhem. It goes on to describe the structure of the new Republic, it points to the strengths and weaknesses of the new regime and to the stresses put upon it as a result of Germany's position as a defeated nation. A.J.Nicholls; € 7,25 In winkelwagen
Portnoy's Complaint Portnoy's Complaint Engelse paperback, in redelijke staat Philip Roth; € 2,00 In winkelwagen
Her Mother's Daughter Her Mother's Daughter Dikke paperback, Engels, in goede staat Marilyn French ; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Liebesfluchten Liebesfluchten Duitstalige uitgave, linnengebonden met keurige stofomslag. In zeer goede staat. Toegevoegd gestencilde (Nederlandse) boekbespreking door Pieter Steinz Kurz nach der Pensionierung ihres Mannes stirbt Lisa an Brustkrebs. Ihm, der sie liebevoll gepflegt hat, geht danach die Orientierung verloren. Er schwelgt in Erinnerungen an die gemeinsamen Jahre, bis eines Tages Liebesbriefe eines anderen, der offenbar nichts von Lisas Tod weiss, im Briefkasten landen. - Sieben subtile Geschichten über Sehnsüchte und Verwirrung, Nähe und Einsamkeit, Verstrickung und Schuld. Bernhard Schlink ; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Gerontius A Thoughtful... Gerontius A Thoughtful Exploration of Aging and Memory Engelstalige hardcover, ziet er uit als nieuw! Sir Edward Elgar is a distinguished composer of the first rank, celebrated by the critics and his public, honored by the Crown. But in 1923 he is 66, and his talent and his zest for life are ebbing, yielding to age and the changing times. England is in the throes of postwar disillusionment; he is widowed and idle. The world he knew has been swept away, leaving him oddly entombed by his own immense reputation and jealous of the even greater artist he might have been, had it not been for... for what? He doesn't truly know, or doesn't want to. On impulse, Eglar books passage on a cruise to Brazil and the Amazon port city of Manaos. It is as far from himself as he can get. Yet, there in the jungle, he wil encounter a figure from his past, the woman who inspired one of his major works... James Hamilton Paterson; € 11,50 In winkelwagen
One Cosmos under God:... One Cosmos under God: The Unification of Matter, Life, Mind and Spirit Engelstalige paperback met rechte rug zonder leesvouwen. Geen naam voorin en geen ezelsoren. Een mooi exemplaar! One Cosmos under God is an extraordinary book that takes the reader on an intellectual and spiritual journey through the whole of creation. It dares to venture where language cannot go, into the "mind of God" prior to the creation, through to the "mind of the saint" who transcends the culturally conditioned ego, escapes history, and merges with the divine mind.This book is intended to be both serious and entertaining, like an intellectual amusement park ride through the whole of creation. It operates under the premise that if God exists, He has a very sophisticated sense of humor, and the book makes many important points in an ironic or punning way, including in the opening "creation story" and the closing "Cosmobliteration" of language into mystical oneness. Robert W. Godwin ; € 12,50 In winkelwagen
Asya A Gripping Novel... Asya A Gripping Novel of Identity and Love Engelstalige hardcover met stofomslag in zeer nette staat. Oogt als nieuw! Born with the new century, Princess Asya is drawn at an early age into the turbulent destiny of her country. After the idyllic splendor of her childhood is shattered by the outbreak of the Russian civil ar, she meets Sergei a dashing artillery officer, and falls in love for the first time. But their ecstatic love is brief. Fleeing the Bolsheviks, Asya moves to Paris bearing a fatherless son, and here amoung the community of exiled Russians Sergei reappears, only to draw her into a web of political intrigue, espionage and betrayal. A powerful love story that bears witness to the complex forces, both deeply private and harshly public, that shape our lives. Michael Ignatieff ; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Preparation for the... Preparation for the Next Life Engelstalige pocket met rechte rug en zonder leesvouwen. Geen naam voorin en geen ezelsoren. A gut-wrenching love story set in the underbelly of New York, about the unexpected connection between an illegal Uyghur migrant and a damaged Iraq veteran.Set in the underbelly of New York, Preparation for the Next Life exposes an America as seen from the fringes of society and, in devastating detail, destroys the myth of the American Dream through two of the most remarkable characters in contemporary fiction. Powerful, realistic and raw, this is one of the most ambitious - and necessary - novels of our time. -Winner of the New York City Book Award for Fiction-Finalist for the PEN/Hemingway Award for Fiction Atticus Lish ; € 8,50 In winkelwagen
Iris a memoir of Iris... Iris a memoir of Iris Murdoch Engelstalige hardcover met stofomslag. De harde kaft (zwart) aan de achterkant heeft wat witte vlekjes. Stofomslag lichte gebruikssporen. In this frank memoir, John Bayley describes the life he has shared with his wife, Iris Murdoch, afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. He explains how he has coped emotionally and practically with the illness that has beset the woman he loves and cherishes. John Bayley ; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Spark Joy Marie Kondo Spark Joy Marie Kondo Engelstalige paperback met lichte gebruikerssporen. Rechte rug zonder vouwen. Geen naam voorin. A line illustrated, room-by-room guide to decluttering and organising your home, from bedrooms and kitchens to bathrooms and living rooms as well as a wide range of items in different categories, including clothes, photographs, paperwork, books, cutlery, cosmetics, shoes, bags, wallets and valuables. Marie Kondo; € 5,50 In winkelwagen