De ontembare vrouw als... De ontembare vrouw als archetype in mythen en verhalen Dikke paperback, in goede staat Clarissa Pinkola Estes; Irma van Dam (vert.); € 9,50 In winkelwagen
Perfecte vrouwen.... Perfecte vrouwen. Vlucht in de volmaaktheid Paperback, leeslijnen op de rug, naam voorin, in goede staat Colette Dowling ; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
A New Conscience and... A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil Engelstaligepaperback, in goede staat Published in 1912 on the heels of Twenty Years at Hull-House and at the height of Jane Addams's popularity, A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil assesses the vulnerability of the rural and immigrant working-class girls who moved to Chicago and fell prey to the sexual bartering of what was known as the white slave trade.Addams offers lurid accounts–-drawn from the records of Chicago's Juvenile Protection Association–-of young women coerced into lives of prostitution by men who lurked outside hotels and sweatshops. Because they lacked funds for proper recreation, Addams argues, poor and socially marginalized women were susceptible to sexual slavery, and without radical social change they would perhaps be "almost as free" as young men. In addition to promoting higher wages and better living conditions, Addams suggests that a longer period of public education for young women would deter them from the dangers of city life.Despite its appeal to middle–class readers eager for tales of sexual excess and the rape of innocence, the press and prominent intellectuals criticized A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil for being disproportionately hysterical to its philosophical weight. Katherine Joslin's introduction considers the controversial reactions to the book and the circumstances of its publication. Behind the sensationalism of the narratives, Joslin locates themes including the commodification of sex and the importance of marriage for young women. Jane Addams ; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
The Life and... The Life and Rebellious Times of Cicely Hamilton. actress, writer, suffragist Engelstalige paperback, hoekje voorkant boven geknakt, in goede staat Lis Whitelaw; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Matrix Matrix Gebonden hardcover met omslag, in zeer goede staat Een middeleeuws vrouwenklooster verandert onder bezielende leiding van de abdis tot een ideale vrouwengemeenschap. Lauren Groff ; € 13,50 In winkelwagen
My Mother my Self. The... My Mother my Self. The Daughter's Search for Identity Engelstalige paperback, in goede staat Nancy Friday ; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Gemengde gevoelens Gemengde gevoelens dunne paperback, in goede staat t.g.v. 20 jaar Opzij Ethel Portnoy; € 3,50 In winkelwagen
Midlife Meiden Midlife Meiden Over vrouwen van rond de vijftig. Dilemmas, vooroordelen, kansen, valkuilen. Paperback, in goede staat Colette Dowling; € 4,00 In winkelwagen
Geschiedenis van de... Geschiedenis van de vrouw. De Twintigste Eeuw Gebonden met stofomslag, als nieuw Francoise Thebaud (red.); € 12,50 In winkelwagen
Wat willen vrouwen... Wat willen vrouwen eigenlijk? Paperback, in goede staat Uiteenzetting van de problemen die in de man-vrouw relatie ontstaan als gevolg van de onderlinge emotionele en economische afhankelijkheid. Susie Orbach ; € 3,50 In winkelwagen
Women on the... Women on the Renaissance Stage Paperback, Engels, in zeer goede staat Women on the Renaissance stage provides a unique reassessment of women's relationship to performance in early modern England. A study of women's participation in the Jacobean court masque, it gives detailed historicised and interdisciplinary readings of the performances of Anna of Denmark (wife of James VI and I) in the Scottish and English Jacobean courts.Clare McManus investigates the staging conditions, practices and gendering of Anna's performances, from the ceremonies and festivities of the Scottish court to the English court masques of Jonson, Daniel, Campion and others. Current critical theorisations of race, class, gender, space and performance are brought to bear on the courtly woman's body in dance, staging, scenery, costume and make-up within what might be thought of as female court. In doing this, McManus establishes a tradition of seventeenth-century female performance which provides a trajectory for the emergence of the professional female actors of the Restoration.This innovative study of a hitherto neglected performance tradition will expand the understanding of gender and performance for scholars and students of early modern culture. Clare McManus ; € 11,50 In winkelwagen
In het spoor van... In het spoor van seksuele differentie Paperback in goede staat. Naam voorin. Een eigenzinnig en origineel boek, waarmee de schrijfster een grote bijdrage levert aan filosofisch grondslagenonderzoek op feministische basis. Het feministisch denken zoekt zijn verhouding te bepalen tot de traditie van de westerse filosofie. Die verhouding is allesbehalve gemakkelijk en vanzelfsprekend. De afstand wordt nergens zo radicaal onder woorden gebracht als in de opvallende gedachte van seksuele differentie, die een tiental jaren geleden door Franse schrijfsters en filosofes werd geformuleerd. In dit ‘nog niet denkbare andere denken’ (Hélène Cixous) wordt het klassieke denken met zijn pretentie van universaliteit uitgedaagd en ondermijnd. Rina Van der Haegen, die al vroeg moeite deed dit denken in Nederland te introduceren, presenteert het in deze studie voor het eerst hier te lande in zijn volle omvang, en doordenkt er de draagwijdte van. Ze problematiseert de grondbegrippen en vooronderstellingen van de dominante filosofie, en maakt deze ‘los van de economie van de logos’ (Luce Irigaray), die niet seksueel neutraal blijkt te zijn. Gaandeweg expliciteert zij, met verwijzing naar het hedendaagse differentiedenken (Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze), de ‘seksuele differentie’. Rina van der Haegen; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
De gewonde genezer De gewonde genezer Pocket in goede staat. Cover deels verkleurd. Aantekening voorin. Manuela Kalsky; Theo Witvliet (red.); € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Het erotisch slagveld Het erotisch slagveld Paperback in goede staat. Naam op titelpagina. Leesvouw in rug. Prima leesexemplaar Lilian B. Rubin; € 4,00 In winkelwagen
The Wandering Uterus -... The Wandering Uterus - Politics and the Reproductive Rights of Women Paperback in zeer goede staat. Engelstalig. From the FDA review of RU-486 to the recent growth of fertility clinics to the rights of lesbian parents, women's reproductive lives are aggressively regulated by law and medicine. While a great deal has been written on such issues as abortion and postpartum depression, no single volume has offered a broad discussion of the interface between the legal, medical, and political aspects of women's reproduction in a manner accessible and informative to non-specialists.The Wandering Uterus fills that gap. Taking her title from an ancient Greek belief that women's health problems were caused by a wandering uterus that needed to be confined and controlled, Meyer exposes the way in which myths and prejudice about female sexuality continue to influence the practice of law and medicine today.This book offers new insights and provides a wealth of up-to- date information on a subject that changes every day. The text is divided into three main parts: political issues of pre- conception, the politics of pregnancy, and the politics of motherhood. Throughout, Meyer argues passionately that while technology and medicine must progress, they should not be allowed to do so at women's expense. Cheryl L. Meyer; € 12,00 In winkelwagen
Peasant Maids, City Women Peasant Maids, City Women Engelstalige paperback, vrijwel in nieuwstaat From the 1850s to the 1920s, women were 30 to 40 percent of all immigrants to the United States and their migration experiences were shaped by similar social, economic, demographic, and cultural forces. In Peasant Maids, City Women, a truly intercultural project, a team of historians follows several groups of women from rural Europe to the bustling streets of Chicago. Focusing on Germans, Irish, Swedes, and Poles--the four largest foreign-born ethnic groups in the city around 1900--the authors analyze the origins of the immigrants and chart how their lives changed, and explore how immigrant women shaped the urbanization process, creating vibrant public spheres for ethnic expression.In concise social histories of four European rural cultures, the authors emphasize the crucial effects of gender. They explore the contrast between each regional culture of origin and the urban experience of ethnic communities in Chicago. The concept of assimilation, they suggest, involves two different dynamics. In the initial phase, adaptation, the new environment demands major changes of incoming immigrants to meet basic needs. The second dynamic, acculturation, involves changes for immigrants and also for the new culture with which they interact. Christiane Harzig ; € 18,50 In winkelwagen
Women of the Commonwealth Women of the Commonwealth Engelstalige softcover, in nieuwstaat The first section of the book focuses on women s work, paid and unpaid, and the effects of class, ethnicity, and gender on the structure of the job market and on power relations within the family. The second section revisits the concept of "sisterhood" by looking at women in relation to their families, social and cultural networks, and civic and private institutions. Susan L. Porter ; € 19,50 In winkelwagen
Het tragische lot van... Het tragische lot van de gravin van Isenburg Paperback, als nieuw Zoektocht naar de historische waarheid over Marie-Anne von Hohenzollern-Hechingen (1615-1670), aan de hand van reconstrucies van historici. Zij werd als 15-jarig meisje uitgehuwelijkt aan de veel oudere graaf von Isenburg en vluchtte in 1637 van hem weg, hetgeen een schandaal veroorzaakte. Siep Stuurman ; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Feminist Literary... Feminist Literary Studies, An Introduction Paperback in goede staat. Rechte rug. Engelstalig. The rise of feminism is undeniably one of the major events in the development of literary criticism this century. Feminist approaches have pushed forward both the theory of literary criticism and the understanding of individual works of literature. K. K. Ruthven's lucid introduction to the subject offers a broad survey, looking at the impact of Marxism, structuralism, and post-structuralism on feminist critical practice; the argument that literary language has been shaped by masculine bias; and feminist claims for distinctive styles and traditions of women's writing. As a lively contribution written by a man to a highly controversial topic dominated by women, K. K. Ruthven's study is original and even provocative, but above all serves as a valuably clear and sympathetic guide to the complexities of an important issue in modern literary studies. K. K. Ruthven; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Found Wanting Found Wanting Engelstalige hardcover, als nieuw A controversial and trenchant critique of Christian teachings about sexuality, which demonstrates how Christianity has idolized a particular heterosexual idea which has been devised, refined and imposed with scant consideration of the experience, desires or needs of women. Alison R. Webster ; € 8,50 In winkelwagen
Women Wielding the... Women Wielding the Hoe. Lessons from Rural Africa for Feminist Theory and Development Practice Paperback in zeer goede staat. Engelstalig. How effective is western aid-agency intervention in Africa? What can African women do to manage the AIDS crisis? Can western feminist theory be applied to the rural African context? These vital issues, and many others, are considered in this topical book by eminent scholars and development consultants. The book aims to increase awareness of the importance of women agricultural producers to African material development and to expose the western biases that have traditionally pervaded the study of rural African women. The authors' critical analyses of conventional research methodology and key 'women and development' debates over the last three decades will stimulate new research perspectives. Students and scholars of development, development workers and policymakers will all find this book fascinating reading. Deborah Fahy Bryceson (ed.); € 14,00 In winkelwagen
Dehexing Sex. Russian... Dehexing Sex. Russian Womanhood During and After Glasnost Paperback in goede staat. Engelstalig. A look at women's changing roles and images in the emerging new Russian society. Goscilo, Helena; € 8,50 In winkelwagen
Rooted Against the... Rooted Against the Wind. Personal Essays Paperback in goede staat. Engelstalig. In these beautifully written essays, Gloria Wade-Gayles is at times painfully candid as she confronts such controversial subjects as rape, homophobia, interracial relationships, and even "looking and acting too young" for her age. Yet what emerges from each piece is a powerful connection to her community, which serves as her well-spring of strength, sheltering her faith. Wade-Gayles, Gloria; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Chinese Women and the... Chinese Women and the Cyberspace Paperback in goede staat. Engelstalig. This volume examines how Chinese women negotiate the Internet as a research tool and a strategy for the acquisition of information, as well as for social networking purposes. Offering insight into the complicated creation of a female Chinese cybercommunity, Chinese Women and the Cyberspace discusses the impact of increasingly available Internet technology on the life and lifestyle of Chinese women—examining larger issues of how women become both masters of their electronic domain and the objects of exploitation in a faceless online world. Khun Eng Kuah Pearce (ed.); € 14,00 In winkelwagen
Beyond feminism.... Beyond feminism. Toward a dialogue on difference Paperback in nieuwstaat. Engelstalig. The discussion in this study of the relations between men and women is launcher from a crucial premise: that the struggle for equal rights for women reached a point where collaboration rather than confrontation between the sexes is necessary for continued progress. Murphy, Cornelius F.; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Feminist... Feminist Conversations. Fuller, Emerson, and the Play of Reading Paperback in zeer goede staat. Engelstalig. In a new account of the relationship between Margaret Fuller and Ralph Waldo Emerson, Christina Zwarg recreates a feminist conversation that has gone unheard. In Zwarg's view, the intimate, yet restrained, letters between the two writers are most significant in confronting the challenges posed by gender and desire. Focusing on their exploration of Charles Fourier's utopianism and particularly his concept of "passionate attraction," Zwarg offers the only detailed reading of Emerson's letters to Fuller. Zwarg, Christina; € 12,50 In winkelwagen
Telling it like it is.... Telling it like it is. Reflections of a not so radical feminist Paperback in goede staat. Markeerstift op schutblad. Engelstalig. Clift, Elayne; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Justifiable Homicide.... Justifiable Homicide. Battered Women, Self-Defense and the Law Paperback in goede staat. Engelstalig. Presents cases where women have killed men in self-defense and analyzes society's reluctance to accept their actions as justifiable Gillespie, Cynthia K.; € 6,50 In winkelwagen
Minnaars. Vrouwen... Minnaars. Vrouwen vertellen over hun buitenechtelijke verhoudingen Paperback in zeer goede staat. Fuller, Ingrid; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Natural eloquence.... Natural eloquence. Women reinscribe science Paperback in zeer goede staat. Engelstalig. Met enkele illustraties. Offers profiles of successful women science writers Barbara T. Gates and Ann B. Shteir (eds.); € 10,00 In winkelwagen
Reinventing the Sexes.... Reinventing the Sexes. The Biomedical Construction of Femininity and Masculinity Paperback in zeer goede staat. Engelstalig. Traces developments in neuroendrocrinology from the 1950s through the 1980s while examining sex differences in the brain Wijngaard, Marianne van den; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Gender and Expertise Gender and Expertise Paperback in zeer goede staat. Engelstalig. McNeil, Maureen (ed.); € 8,50 In winkelwagen