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    Women, Passion and...

    Women, Passion and Celibacy

    Gebonden (linnen rug) hardcover met omslag, in zeer goede staat

    In Victorian times, women were regarded as deviant if they enjoyed a full and exciting sex life. Today, women invite equally pejorative labels if they admit that they don't! "We are living", writes Sally Cline, "in a genitally fixated society, in which the only sexual activity considered freakish is NO sexual activity; in which anyone who professes a lack of interest in sex is deemed to be in need of a cure, alongside a cosmetic surgery industry geared to persuading women that it is healthy to be starved, snipped, and stitched in pursuit of a prolonged sexual shelf life". Given this oppressive climate, it is not surprising that women are deciding to abandon the sexual treadmill and look for other, more fulfilling ways to express themselves. Today's celibates are neither virgins-in-waiting nor the reluctantly single. They are women: married and single, heterosexual and lesbian, who have found in their passion for celibacy the freedom and autonomy to redefine and celebrate their sexuality. "Through celibacy", writes Cline, "a woman learns to take risks, to grow up, to make decisions, to live on her own, to value other women...It's about simplicity. It is about freedom from sexual anxiety and beauty problems. It is about regaining or taking control of one's life. It is about nongenital passion. It is about spiritual growth". Passionately argued, controversial, iconoclastic, and inspirational, Women, Passion and Celibacy will become required reading for any woman who has ever felt that her body is not her own.

    Sally Cline ;

    € 11,50

    The Gypsy-bachelor of...

    The Gypsy-bachelor of Manchester

    Engels uitgave, gebonden met omslag, als nieuw

    Despite feminist reassessments to the contrary, the conventional view that Elizabeth Gaskell personified the Victorian feminine ideal is still very much in place today. Challenging that view in an experimental biography, Felicia Bonaparte proposes that there lived in Mrs. Gaskell another, antithetical self, a daemonic double, that was not an angel in the house but instead a creature born to be a gypsy-bachelor. Bonaparte does not dispute that Mrs. Gaskell did exist, but she suggests that Gaskell conceived her, as much as any fictional character, out of a desperate need produced by her childhood experience of rejection and abandonment, in order to gain the love of friends and family and the approval of the world. Gaskell herself, Bonaparte argues, told the story of her double in images encoded in her letters, fiction, and life. Using the methods of literary criticism for biographical ends, Bonaparte traces a pattern of these images, showing how a metaphor that may turn up as a figure of speech in one of Gaskell s letters may be embodied in a character in one of her short stories, dramatized in an incident or plot in one of her novels, and even actualized in an action or a relationship in her life. To reach the inner woman, Bonaparte claims, it is necessary to read Gaskell's letters, fiction, and life as a single poetic text. In addition to presenting a radically different interpretation both of Gaskell and of her literary work, Bonaparte's unique approach opens up interesting possibilities in a number of other areas: in the writing of biography, in the analysis of metaphor in the nineteenth-century novel, in the study of the relationship between literature and life, in the exploration of links between the inner and outer self, and in women's studies generally.

    Felicia Bonaparte ;

    € 14,50

    The Feminization of...

    The Feminization of Dr. Faustus

    Gebonden met omslag, Engels. In zeer goede staat. 

    While the decline of the male hero in nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature is usually studied in isolation, Druxes uses a major manifestation of this phenomenon —the failing power of the Faust myth —as an interpretive lens through which to illuminate the corresponding rise in the viability of female Faustian heroes or would-be heroes. Her study of the female Faust figure in the realist novels of Stendhal, Gauthier, Keller, James, and the contemporary writer Morgner is further unusual in that she carries out her analyses both against the background of the sociohistorical factors conditioning these female figures and with reference to the mutual interaction of plot and novel form.

    Since nineteenth-century writers make female subjectivity the arena in which the conflicts of male subjecthood are debated, their attempts to create female versions of the heroic quest for self-knowledge speak not only to the crisis of the male model but also to the crisis of the realistic novel. Using psychoanalytic theory and French feminist and deconstructionist theory, Helga Druxes shows how the female Faustian quest for worldly knowledge and subjecthood develops a new concept of identity that takes its social constructedness into account, and she demonstrates some of the transgressive narrative strategies that male and female writers have employed, embodying their dissent not only in the creation of a female Faust but in their visions of an authentic female desire for selfhood and socially regenerative female bonding.

    Helga Druxes ;

    € 15,00
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