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    Red Dust [gesigneerd]

    Red Dust [gesigneerd]

    Engelse Paperback, in zeer goede staat; signed.

    The fascinating story of a young man’s disillusionment with the Communist system and his journey around China in search of himself and his country. “My painter friends think I am a die-hard conservative, my writer friends think I am a man of loose morals. In Jushlin Temple I am a quiet disciple; in the Propaganda Department I am a decadent youth. Women call me a cynical artist, the police call me a hooligan. Well, they can think what they like. I only have 20,000 days left to live.” Lots of Chinese women have given us their stories – now Ma Jian tells us of his overwhelming desire, in 1983 at the age of 30, to escape the confines of his life in Beijing. All around him China was changing. Den Xiaoping was introducing economic reform but clamping down on “Spiritual Pollution” – rebellious young people. With his long hair, denim jeans and artistic friends, Ma Jian was under surveillance from his work unit and the police. His ex-wife was seeking custody of their daughter; his girlfriend was sleeping with another man; and he could no longer find the inspiration to write or paint. One day he bought a train ticket to the westernmost border of China and set off in search of himself. Ma Jian’s journey would last three years and take him to deserts and overpopulated cities, from scenes of barbarity to havens of tranquility and beauty. The result is an utterly unique book; an insight into the teeming contradictions of China that only a man who was both an insider and an outsider in his own country could have written.

    Jian Ma ; Flora Drew (transl.);

    € 10,00

    Bizar wonen

    Bizar wonen

    Paperback, in zeer goede staat

    Toen Jake Halpern een jonge verslaggever was, raakte hij geobsedeerd door verhalen over onherbergzame en helse plaatsen, bewoond door een handjevol dapperen die weigerden te verhuizen. Zij collega-verslaggevers staken de draak ermee en gaven hem de bijnaam Bad Homes Correspondent. Maar hoe meer hij over deze mensen te weten kwam, hoe meer hij bij hen betrokken raakte. Vastbesloten om hun onstuimige devotie voor hun huis te begrijpen, trok Halpern eropuit om de meest ongastvrije oorden in Amerika te bezoeken. Bizar wonen is een onweerstaanbaar portret van deze plekken en van zijn vriendschappen met hun meest loyale bewoners.

    In North Carolina ontmoet hij een gepensioneerde molenaar die in zijn eentje zijn woonplaats beschermde tegen een allesverwoestende vloed. In Alaska werkt hij voor een moedige vrouw die een videowinkel annex leerlooierij bestierd en de krant bezorgd in een besneeuwd gehucht aan de voet van een gletsjer. Onder de rook van een Hawaiiaanse vulkaan verblijft hij bij een kluizenaar wiens huis, een voormalige herberg, is omgeven door gesmolten lava. In Malibu leert hij van een heikneuter die tussen de beau monde woont de tradities van het brandblussen. Op een grenseiland voor de kust van Louisiana vertelt een legendarische ruiter over het overleven van orkanen - door jezelf met je eigen haar aan een boom vast te binden. Gedurende zijn reis onderzoekt Halpern de idee van een honkvast bestaan in een samenleving die steeds mobieler wordt. Onderweg ontdekt hij waarom lava, wind, vuur of water deze onvergetelijke mensen niet van hun wortels weet te scheiden.

    Jake Halpern;

    € 6,00

    The Oregon Trail. A...

    The Oregon Trail. A New American Journey

    Engels. Halflinnen gebonden met omslag (vlekje voorkant linksboven), iets viltstift ondersnee, in goede staat

    An epic account of traveling the length of the Oregon Trail the old-fashioned way—in a covered wagon with a team of mules, an audacious journey that hasn’t been attempted in a century—which also chronicles the rich history of the trail, the people who made the migration, and its significance to the country.

    Spanning two thousand miles and traversing six states from Missouri to the Pacific coast, the Oregon Trail is the route that made America. In the fifteen years before the Civil War, when 400,000 pioneers used the trail to emigrate West—scholars still regard this as the largest land migration in history—it united the coasts, doubled the size of the country, and laid the groundwork for the railroads. Today, amazingly, the trail is all but forgotten.

    Rinker Buck is no stranger to grand adventures. His first travel narrative, Flight of Passage, was hailed by The New Yorker as “a funny, cocky gem of a book,” and with The Oregon Trail he brings the most important route in American history back to glorious and vibrant life.

    Traveling from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Baker City, Oregon, over the course of four months, Buck is accompanied by three cantankerous mules, his boisterous brother, Nick, and an “incurably filthy” Jack Russell terrier named Olive Oyl. Along the way, they dodge thunderstorms in Nebraska, chase runaway mules across the Wyoming plains, scout more than five hundred miles of nearly vanished trail on foot, cross the Rockies, and make desperate fifty-mile forced marches for water. The Buck brothers repair so many broken wheels and axels that they nearly reinvent the art of wagon travel itself. They also must reckon with the ghost of their father, an eccentric yet loveable dreamer whose memory inspired their journey across the plains and whose premature death, many years earlier, has haunted them both ever since.

    But The Oregon Trail is much more than an epic adventure. It is also a lively and essential work of history that shatters the comforting myths about the trail years passed down by generations of Americans. Buck introduces readers to the largely forgotten roles played by trailblazing evangelists, friendly Indian tribes, female pioneers, bumbling U.S. Army cavalrymen, and the scam artists who flocked to the frontier to fleece the overland emigrants. Generous portions of the book are devoted to the history of old and appealing things like the mule and the wagon. We also learn how the trail accelerated American economic development. Most arresting, perhaps, are the stories of the pioneers themselves—ordinary families whose extraordinary courage and sacrifice made this country what it became.

    At once a majestic journey across the West, a significant work of history, and a moving personal saga, The Oregon Trail draws readers into the journey of a lifetime. It is a wildly ambitious work of nonfiction from a true American original. It is a book with a heart as big as the country it crosses.

    Rinker Buck ;

    € 10,00
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