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    The Discovery of...

    The Discovery of Jeanne Baret

    Engelstalige uitgave. Paperback, in zeer goede staat

    The year was 1765. Eminent botanist Philibert Commerson had just been appointed to a grand new expedition: the first French circumnavigation of the world. As the ships’ official naturalist, Commerson would seek out resources—medicines, spices, timber, food—that could give the French an edge in the ever-accelerating race for empire.
    Jeanne Baret, Commerson’s young mistress and collaborator, was desperate not to be left behind. She disguised herself as a teenage boy and signed on as his assistant. The journey made the twenty-six-year-old, known to her shipmates as “Jean” rather than “Jeanne,” the first woman to ever sail around the globe. Yet so little is known about this extraordinary woman, whose accomplishments were considered to be subversive, even impossible for someone of her sex and class.
    When the ships made landfall and the secret lovers disembarked to explore, Baret carried heavy wooden field presses and bulky optical instruments over beaches and hills, impressing observers on the ships’ decks with her obvious strength and stamina. Less obvious were the strips of linen wound tight around her upper body and the months she had spent perfecting her masculine disguise in the streets and marketplaces of Paris.
    Expedition commander Louis-Antoine de Bougainville recorded in his journal that curious Tahitian natives exposed Baret as a woman, eighteen months into the voyage. But the true story, it turns out, is more complicated.
    In The Discovery of Jeanne Baret, Glynis Ridley unravels the conflicting accounts recorded by Baret’s crewmates to piece together the real story: how Baret’s identity was in fact widely suspected within just a couple of weeks of embarking, and the painful consequences of those suspicions; the newly discovered notebook, written in Baret’s own hand, that proves her scientific acumen; and the thousands of specimens she collected, most famously the showy vine bougainvillea.
    Ridley also richly explores Baret’s awkward, sometimes dangerous interactions with the men on the ship, including Baret’s lover, the obsessive and sometimes prickly naturalist; a fashion-plate prince who, with his elaborate wigs and velvet garments, was often mistaken for a woman himself; the sour ship’s surgeon, who despised Baret and Commerson; even a Tahitian islander who joined the expedition and asked Baret to show him how to behave like a Frenchman.
    But the central character of this true story is Jeanne Baret herself, a working-class woman whose scientific contributions were quietly dismissed and written out of history—until now. Anchored in impeccable original research and bursting with unforgettable characters and exotic settings, The Discovery of Jeanne Baret offers this forgotten heroine a chance to bloom at long last.

    Glynis Ridley ;

    € 7,50

    In het land der...

    In het land der Nijlcataracten (1883)

    Paperback in goede staat. Geillustreerd. Prima exemplaar. Zeldzaam.

    De negentiende eeuw is de Gouden Eeuw voor de ontwikkeling van de egyptologie als wetenschap. De exploratie van het faraonische Egypte was een internationaal avontuur waarin Frankrijk en Engeland de hoofdrol speelden. Toch waren er ook enkele Nederlanders bij betrokken. Een van hen was Jan Herman Insinger (1854-1918), die bijna veertig jaar in Egypte woonde en werkte. Desalniettemin is hij relatief onbekend gebleven, en egyptologen kennen meestal slechts de naar hem genoemde Papyrus Insinger, nu in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden. Insinger verdient grotere bekendheid. Als fervent reiziger, fotograaf en kunsthandelaar kende hij Egypte als geen ander. Hij was bevriend met de meeste wetenschappers van zijn tijd en zijn brieven geven een goed inzicht in het archeologische wereldje van rond 1900. Insingers verzamelingen vormden de belangrijke verrijkingen voor het Leidse museum en zijn foto's zijn soms de eerste documentatie bij recente vondsten van de Egyptische oudheidkundige dienst. Door een gelukkig toeval is ook tenminste een van Insingers reisverslagen bewaard gebleven. Het betreft hier het journaal van een reis door het Sudanese deel van het oude Nubie in 1883. Ondanks zijn tuberculose en zich niets aantrekkend van de politieke situatie maakte Insinger deze reis alleen, slechts vergezeld door wat inheemse gidsen en kameeldrijvers. Het is een aangrijpend verslag over een ook bij archeologen relatief onbekende landstreek aan de vooravond van de Mahdistische opstand die de Sudan bijna 15 jaar zou verlammen. Naast beschrijvingen van land en volk, geologie en waterstaat, flora en fauna bevat de tekst ook aantekeningen over de geheimzinnige monumenten van de diverse Nubische culturen. Het feit dat dit hele land nu ten onder is gegaan in het stuwmeer van de Aswandam maakt dit ooggetuigeverslag extra waardevol.

    Ingeleid en geannoteerd door Maarten J. Raven.

    Jan Herman Insinger;

    € 20,00

    Journey to the Source...

    Journey to the Source of the Nile

    Grote, dikke hardback met stofomslag in goede staat. Naam op schutblad. Geillustreerd. Engelstalig.

    ''One hundred and forty years after Speke's visionary prediction that Lake Victoria would prove to be the source of the Nile, I had come to Africa to see for myself. I arrived laden with a great store of knowledge about the Nile - all the lore and learning amassed since Speke's great discovery. I had all the facts, but I was not satisfied.''
    Christopher Ondaatje

    Long fascinated with historical exploration, writer Christopher Ondaatje here relives explorer Richard Francis Burton's 1856 expedition to discover the source of Africa's mighty Nile River. In 1996, with a lifetime of world travel behind him and after extensive research, Ondaatje set off to retrace the steps of Burton and other Victorian explorers. Journey to the Source of the Nile brings to life this incredible voyage.

    Like the early explorers, Ondaatje put together a support team and, following the Victorians' routes, encountered the geography, peoples and nature in all their manifestations. With a constant mind to the words of Burton, Speke, Livingstone and the others, Ondaatje views the journey through their eyes but in the light of modern scientific knowledge. His trek across the Serengeti Plains to Olduvai Gorge provides the most striking revelation of all: the forces that shaped the Nile may also have triggered the evolution of the human race.

    In a time of breathlessly fast change, Journey to the Source of the Nile returns us to a slower time, when knowledge was the goal and exploration the means. A fascinating tapestry of history and travel writing, Ondaatje's personal account and his dramatic photographs of this truly extraordinary expedition bring us closer to solving the riddle of the world's most mysterious river. ''Between 1902 and the present, [Africa] has evoked the highest despair of any continent in the world. In a way, perhaps I felt that understanding the difficult puzzle of the Nile's source might also give me some insight into a far more challenging riddle: the turbulent, complex, paradoxical enigma of Africa itself.''

    Christopher Ondaatje;

    € 7,00

    The Hunt for Mount...

    The Hunt for Mount Everest

    Engelstalige paperback, in zeer goede staat

    "This book would be enjoyed by those seeking knowledge of Everest beyond the

    climbing narratives, as well as those who appreciate the details of navigation and exploration."

    -- Booklist

    The height of Mt. Everest was first measured in 1850, but the closest any westerner got to Everest during the next 71 years, until 1921, was 40 miles. The Hunt for Mt. Everest tells the story of the 71-year quest to find the world's highest mountain. It's a tale of high drama, of larger-than-life characters-George Everest, Francis Younghusband, George Mallory, Lord Curzon, Edward Whymper-and a few quiet heroes: Alexander Kellas, the 13th Dalai Lama, Charles Bell.

    A story that traverses the Alps, the Himalayas, Nepal and Tibet, the British Empire (especially British India and the Raj), the Anglo-Russian rivalry known as The Great Game, the disastrous First Afghan War, and the phenomenal Survey of India - it is far bigger than simply the tallest mountain in the world. Encountering spies, war, political intrigues, and hundreds of mules, camels, bullocks, yaks, and two zebrules, Craig Storti uncovers the fascinating and still largely overlooked saga of all that led up to that moment in late June of 1921 when two English climbers, George Mallory and Guy Bullock, became the first westerners-and almost certainly the first human beings-to set foot on Mt. Everest and thereby claimed the last remaining major prize in the history of exploration.

    With 2021 bringing the 100th anniversary of that year, most Everest chronicles have dealt with the climbing history of the mountain, with all that happened after 1921. The Hunt for Mt. Everest is the seldom-told story of all that happened before.

    Craig Stori ;

    € 8,50
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