Hocus Pocus. Over... Hocus Pocus. Over illustere illusionisten en hun geniale trucs Hardback, in zeer goede staat. Mooi ex. Met illustraties van Peter Bailey. Vertaald door Wybrand Scheffer. Kieve, Paul; € 4,00 In winkelwagen
A-Z of Wicca A-Z of Wicca Paperback in zeer goede staat. Engelstalig. Dunwich, Gerina; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Het groote droomboek Het groote droomboek Droomland, Koba ; Jan waterschoot, pentekeningen; € 11,50 In winkelwagen
The Encyclopedia of... The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Magic Grote hardback met stofomslag in goede staat. Engelstalig. Kopsnede licht roestvlekkerig. Newall, Venetia; € 8,00 In winkelwagen
Genezing: Mythe of Magie. Genezing: Mythe of Magie. Paperback, kaft is wat verkleurd, in goede staat. Vertaling door Engelien Scholtes. Donald M. Epstein; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Beginning Practical... Beginning Practical Magic: A Guide to Spellcraft LIKE NEW, NIEUWSTAAT, paperback. The Art of Spellbinding! This simple introduction will allow you to get started in magic. Focusing on core patterns and basic skills, this approach can be applied to almost any system. The Laws of Magic; The Magician's Workshop; Getting What You Really Want; The Ethics of Magic. Includes scripts for basic rituals, sigils and symbols, and other lore. Corrigan, Ian.; € 18,50 In winkelwagen
Magie. De geheime Kunst. Magie. De geheime Kunst. Groot formaat dunne hardback, zo goed als nieuw. Mooi ex. Vertaling door Margreet Blok. Terhart, Franjo; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Handlezen Handlezen Pocket met flappen in goede staat. Geillustreerd. West, Peter; € 2,99 In winkelwagen
Keltische Mythologie. Keltische Mythologie. Groot formaat dunne paperback, zo goed als nieuw. Mooi ex. Vertaling door Els van Enckevort. Bellingham, David.; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
The way to eternity -... The way to eternity - Egyptian myth Nagenoeg als nieuw. Hardback met stofomslag. Mooi, geillustreerd exemplaar. Fergus Fleming, Alan Lothian; € 8,50 In winkelwagen
Lost realms of gold -... Lost realms of gold - South American myth Nagenoeg als nieuw. Hardback met stofomslag. Mooi, geillustreerd exemplaar. Tony Allen, Clifford Bishop, Charles Phillips; € 12,50 In winkelwagen
High Magic II High Magic II Paperback in a very fine condition. Illustrated. Nice copy. Europe's best-known mage and contemporary occult author, Frater U∴D∴, shares his extensive magical expertise in the companion volume to his highly acclaimed High Magic. Previously unavailable in English, High Magic II has been eagerly awaited by ceremonial magicians, mages, and Hermetic practitioners. This comprehensive guide explores a variety of magical topics--mirror magic, sigil magic, shamanism, magical orders, mudras, folk magic, and divination--in a modern, non-dogmatic way. The integrated, progressive approach of this book on high magic is designed to help the reader develop a holistic understanding of the underlying magical theories and a true mastery of the magical techniques. Themes in the text recur, focusing on different aspects of core topics but taking the reader further along each time, using the format proven effective in High Magic. High Magic II also delves into magic and yoga, magic in the Bible, the Kabbalah, forms of initiation, and the magic of ancient Egypt and the late Hellenistic period. Many provocative practices are addressed, including demonic magic and combat magic. Some of the techniques have never before appeared in an English-language book. Frater U. D.; € 22,50 In winkelwagen
The book of the dragon The book of the dragon Hardback in an excellent condition. As new. Text in English. Rare. Corrigan, Ian; € 50,00 In winkelwagen
Draiocht, A druid's... Draiocht, A druid's companion - Basic symbols and rites of the druids Hardback in an excellent condition. As new. Text in English. Rare. Corrigan, Ian; € 37,50 In winkelwagen
Rites of Celtic Sorcery Rites of Celtic Sorcery Hardback in an excellent condition. Special edition of 2005. As new. Text in English. Rare. Corrigan, Ian; € 45,00 In winkelwagen
Sacred fire holy well... Sacred fire holy well - A druid's grimoire Large format paperback in a very fine condition. Illustrated. Nearly as new. Text in English. Rare first paperback edition of 2006. Corrigan, Ian; € 37,50 In winkelwagen
Sacred fire holy well... Sacred fire holy well - A druid's grimoire of lore, worship and magic Large format hardback in a very fine condition. Illustrated. Nearly as new. Text in English. Rare first edition of 2006. Corrigan, Ian; € 75,00 In winkelwagen
Rites of Celtic sorcery Rites of Celtic sorcery Large format hardback in a very fine condition. Special edition of 2005. Illustrated. Nearly as new. Text in English. Rare. Corrigan, Ian; € 40,00 In winkelwagen
De verborgen taal van... De verborgen taal van het symbool - Magie, beeld en betekenis Hardback met stofomslag in goede staat. Rijkelijk geillustreerd. Fontana, David; € 8,50 In winkelwagen
Southern echoes, An... Southern echoes, An anthology of druid writing from the southern hemisphere Brochure in goede staat. Geniet. Engelstalig. Murray Barton (red.); € 17,50 In winkelwagen
Druid, Shaman, Priest. Druid, Shaman, Priest. Hardback met stofomslag, in zeer goede staat. Mooi ex. Engelstalig. In very good condition. Text in English. Jones, Leslie Ellen.; € 19,90 In winkelwagen
Bonewits's Essential... Bonewits's Essential Guide to Witchcraft and Wicca Paperback, signed copy, in very good condition. This instant classic for novices and experienced Wiccans alike combines some of Bonewits's most important writings on all the Wiccan essentials--from rites and rituals to ethics and beliefs--all revised and updated. Isaac Bonewits; € 45,00 In winkelwagen
The New Hermetics... The New Hermetics Equinox Journal - Volume One [Special limited hardcover edition, signed] Hardback with dustjacket. As new. Special limited hardcover edition of 50 numbered copies. This is no. 49. Signed. Very rare. This first volume of the New Hermetics Equinox Journal includes numerous updates and advancements in the New Hermetics techniques and ideas, a comparative record of several New Hermeticists conducting the "Tarot Archetype Pathworking" technique with the twenty-two trumps along with some helpful hints for students interested in greater success with this practice. This volume also includes an article on the eight seasonal holiday festivals from a New Hermetics perspective, astrological calculations for magical operations and a small collection of poetry inspired by the New Hermetics. Jason Augustus Newcomb (red.); € 125,00 In winkelwagen
Howlings Howlings Linen bound hardback in excellent condtion. As new. Turquoise cloth with gold. Edition of 666 copies, numbered. This is no. 376. Illustrated. Rare. Alkistis Dimech (ed.); € 165,00 In winkelwagen
21st Century Mage 21st Century Mage Paperback, as new. Developing students' reading skills in line with the new Key Stage 3 National Tests, this scheme aims to: help students understand conventions of text types and how to write about texts; equip student with the skills they need for the five reading foci to be tested; give students practice in applying those skills to a wide range of text types and provide guidance on the tests and two complete practice tests. Jason Augustus Newcomb; € 16,99 In winkelwagen
Celtic Magic Celtic Magic Pocket, in good condition. With illustrations. Celtic magic. These words conjure up images of Druids and mystical oak groves, daring Irish warriors, fairies, elves, and ancient deities who took an active part in the lives of the people who worshipped them. Practical and easy to understand, Celtic Magic offers important features that distinguish it from other books written about the Celts: --An in-depth discussion of Celtic culture and customs --A complete listing of Celtic myths and deities --Step-by-step instructions for spellwork, ritual, meditations, and divination to help you gain insight or make changes in your life This friendly Celtic magic book is designed for both beginners and those who possess intermediate-level magical skills--and anyone who simply has a great interest in Celtic history, lore, and magic. D. J. Conway; € 9,50 In winkelwagen
Wizards. The Quest for... Wizards. The Quest for the Wizard from Merlin to Harry Potter Hardcover, in excellent condition. With illustrations. Presents the history of wizards and magic, covering such topics as the origins of wizardry, the legends surrounding various wizards, the traditional roles of wizards, and the practices of wizards. Auteur onbekend; € 5,99 In winkelwagen
True Magick True Magick Paperback, in excellent condition. Newly revised and expanded to include 100 additional exercises, this instructional guide traces the history and lore of magick, covers several forms of magick, including shamanism, Voudun, and Qabala, and explains the basics, such as casting spells safely and ethically. Original. Amber K; € 14,99 In winkelwagen
Witchcraft Witchcraft Paperback, as new. Isaac Bonewits is North America's leading expert on ancient and modern Druidism, Witchcraft and the rapidly growing Earth Religions movement. A practicing Neopagan priest, scholar, teacher, bard and polytheologian for over thirty years, he has coined much of the vocabulary and articulated many of the issues that have shaped the rapidly growing Neopagan community, with opinions both playful and con-troversial. As an author, a singer-songwriter, and a "spell-binding" speaker, he has educated, enlightened and entertained two generations of modern Goddess worshippers, nature mystics, and followers of other minority belief systems, and has explained these movements to journalists, law enforcement officers, college students, and academic researchers. Isaac Bonewits; € 22,50 In winkelwagen
The Magic Arts in... The Magic Arts in Celtic Britain Paperback, in excellent condition. Fascinating, painstakingly researched study of occult beliefs and practices in Celtic Britain, with intriguing discussions of the origins of the Druids, Arthurian cults, the mystery of the Holy Grail, Celtic spells and charms, black magic, the Celtic spirit world — with its populations of banshees, leprechauns, brownies and a host of lesser phantoms — and many other topics. A compelling, erudite study that will appeal to anthropologists, folklorists, and anyone interested in the customs and spiritual life of Britain's ancient Celts. Lewis Spence; € 14,99 In winkelwagen
Magie en bijgeloof Magie en bijgeloof Groot formaat hardback in zeer goede staat. Met stofomslag. Geillustreerd. Douglas Hill; € 7,95 In winkelwagen
Supertarot, Nieuwe... Supertarot, Nieuwe technieken om het lezen van de Tarot te verbeteren Paperback in goede staat. Vouw in achterplat. Geillustreerd. Verder prima exemplaar. Geen aantekeningen en dergelijke. Sasha Fenton; € 8,50 In winkelwagen