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    De laatste deur

    De laatste deur

    Twee delen, gebonden met stofomslag, als nieuw, met gezamenlijk ISBN-nummer. Met wikkel eromheen. 

    Liefde-literatuur-dood is de thematische drie-eenheid binnen het oeuvre van Jeroen Brouwers. Zijn fascinatie voor zelfmoord dateert van het begin van de jaren zeventig, toen een vriendin zich het leven had genomen. Brouwers' wens om het zelfmoordraadsel te begrijpen resulteerde in het inmiddels legendarische boek 'De laatste deur'. Dit is de ingrijpend herziene en zeer uitgebreide editie van het dertig jaar geleden verschenen werk, dat handelt over de zelfverkozen dood van Nederlandstalige schrijvers. Vanuit gevoelens van mededogen, begrip en solidariteit met hen die in het verleden en de meer recente tijd de hand aan zichzelf sloegen (van wie hij er enkelen van zeer nabij heeft gekend), poogt Brouwers aan de hand van hun literaire werk een mogelijke verklaring te vinden voor hun ultieme daad. Brouwers karakteriseert op integere en invoelende wijze uiteenlopende figuren als François Haverschmidt (Piet Paaltjens), Menno ter Braak, Halbo Kool, Jan Emmens, Jan Arends, Dirk de Witte, Jan Emiel Daele, Jotie T'Hooft en tal van anderen. Deze nieuwe editie bevat ook levensgeschiedenissen van overledenen in de laatste jaren: Adriaan Venema, Anil Ramdas, Nanne Tepper, Joost Zwagerman en Wim Brands. Aan 'De laatste deur' is een supplement toegevoegd ('De zwarte zon', 'De versierde dood' en verspreide opstellen) met essays over buitenlandse schrijvers en onderwerpen als zelfmoordverenigingen en sekten, en geruchten en verzinsels over zelfmoord. Een aantal van deze opstellen is niet eerder in boekvorm verschenen.

    Jeroen Brouwers ;

    € 40,00

    The Governance of ROME

    The Governance of ROME

    Dikke paperback, in goede staat. Engels

    Next to the Bible, Shakespeare, the French revolution and Napoleon, ancient Rome is one of the most plowed-through fields of historical experience. One of the truly great periods of history, Rome, over the centuries, deservedly has attracted the passionate attention of historians, philologists and, more recently, archeologists. Since Roman law constituted the source of the legal life of most of Western Europe, the legal profession had a legitimate interest. Veritable libraries have been built around the history of Rome. In the past confmed mostly to Italian, German, and French scholars the fascination with things Roman by now has spread to other civilized nations in cluding the Anglo-Saxon. Among the contributors to our knowledge of ancient Rome are some of the great minds in history and law. Our bibliography - selective, as neces sarily it has to be - records outstanding generalists as well as some of the numerous specialists that were helpful for our undertaking. Why, then, another study of the Roman political civilization and one that, at least measured by volume and effort, is not altogether insubstantial? And why, has to be added, one presented by an author who, whatever his reputation in other fields, ostensibly is an outsider of the classical discipline? These are legitimate questions that should be honestly answered. By training and avocation the author is a constitutional lawyer or, rather, a political scientist primarily interested in the operation of governmental institutions.

    K. Loewenstein ;

    € 42,50



    Engelstalige paperback, in redelijke staat. 

    In the autumn of 1938, Europe believed in the promise of peace. Still reeling from the ravages of the Great War, its people were desperate to rebuild their lives in a newly safe and stable era. But only a year later, the fateful decisions of just a few men had again led Europe to war, a war that would have a profound and lasting impact on millions of innocent people. From the bestselling historian Frederick Taylor, 1939: A People's History draws on original British and German sources, including recorded interviews, as well as contemporary diaries, memoirs and newspapers. Its narrative focuses on the day-to-day experiences of the men and women in both countries trapped in this disastrous chain of events and not, as is so often the case, the elite. Their voices, concerns and experiences lend a uniquely intimate flavour to this often surprising account, revealing a marked disconnect between government and people; few ordinary citizens in either Britain or Germany wanted war. Precisely for that reason, 1939: A People's History is also an interrogation of our capacity to go to war again. In today's Europe, an onset of uncertainty, a looming fear of radical populism and a revelatory schism are dangerously reminiscent of the perils of the autumn of 1938. It is both a vivid and richly peopled narrative of Europe's slide into the horrors of war, a war that nobody wanted, and, in many ways, a warning; an opportunity for us to learn from our history and a reminder that we must never take peace for granted.

    Frederick Taylor ;

    € 4,50
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