Aangeraakt door goden Aangeraakt door goden Mooi exemplaar. Dikke paperback met flappen als nieuw. In een obsessieve, borende stijl roept Te Gussinklo de gedachtewereld op van de jongen die hij ooit was, op weg naar volwassenheid. In de benepen gereformeerde omgeving voelt hij zich een melaatse, een vijand van alle mensen. Hij walgt van hun sociale aangepastheid. Voor hem is elk contact een duel. Dan ontdekt hij Sartre. Thuis vindt hij, een vakantie lang door diens boeken bladerend, de halfbegrepen woorden die hem definitief een voorsprong zullen geven op zijn leeftijdgenoten. Ze komen om raad bij hem, ze laten zich imponeren. Eindelijk heeft hij een effectieve strategie gevonden om zich tegenover de anderen staande te houden. In de jaren daarna raakt hij in de ban van Harry Mulisch. Koortsachtig leest hij diens eerste verhalen en romans. Hij spiegelt zich aan de helden die weigeren een compromis te sluiten met de onttoverde wereld van de volwassenen. Te Gussinklo herleest het werk dat hem tussen zijn zestiende en vijfentwintigste jaar tot op het bot raakte: de evocatie van wat hem in die tijd bezielde gaat vergezeld van vlijmscherpe en persoonlijk geëngageerde interpretaties van het werk van zijn idolen van toen. Wessel te Gussinklo; € 14,50 In winkelwagen
Europa in woelig water Europa in woelig water Paperback in goede staat. Lichte gebruikssporen. Prima exemplaar. De Europese Unie is machtig geworden. We reizen zonder grenscontroles, betalen met de euro en op allerlei vlakken hebben Europese regels een impact op ons leven. Maar er zijn ook domeinen waarop de Unie schijnbaar machteloos is. Tijdens de eurocrisis leek het einde van de muntunie nabij. Het blijft lastig om met één stem te spreken als er wat gebeurt in de wereld. Bij belastingontwijking op grote schaal, de terreurdreiging, het vluchtelingenvraagstuk schiet de Unie amper uit de startblokken. Lidstaten kunnen de uitdagingen niet alleen de baas, maar komen moeilijk tot een gezamenlijke aanpak. Europa ploetert van crisis naar crisis. Elegant is dat niet, effectief wellicht evenmin. Toch valt de Unie niet uit elkaar. Rob Heirbaut en Hendrik Vos bekijken hoe Europa met noodsituaties omgaat en hoe de leiders zich van top naar top slepen. Het stokt en het rommelt en het hapert, maar de integratie valt niet stil. Wat is de lijm die de lidstaten aan de onderhandelingstafel houdt? Waar gaat dit naartoe? En hoe zit het met de Britten, die voor brexit kozen en de Unie verlaten? Dit boek biedt een verrassende blik in de Europese keuken, waar het er levendiger en spannender aan toegaat dan ooit voorheen. Rob Heirbaut; Hendrik Vos; € 8,50 In winkelwagen
Great Works of Jewish... Great Works of Jewish Fantasy Gebonden met stofomslag, in zeer goede staat Yenne Velt; Joachim Neugroschel ; € 9,50 In winkelwagen
De halve maan en de chaos De halve maan en de chaos Paperback, als nieuw Analyse van de politieke problemen in het Midden-Oosten, de wereldwijde gevolgen van de Amerikaanse global war against terror en de gewijzigde machtsverhoudingen in de islamitische wereld. Olivier Roy ; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
9 augustus 378 9 augustus 378 Gebonden met omslag. In nieuwstaat Achtergronden, verloop en gevolgen van de historische veldslag waarbij de Goten een Romeins leger onder keizer Valens versloegen. Alessandro Barbero ; € 6,50 In winkelwagen
Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Dikke Engelstalige paperback, vrijwel in nieuwstaat. Winston Spencer Churchill was an extraordinary combination of soldier and statesman. Of aristoctratic birth, he enlisted as a cavalry officer, saw action at the Battle of Omdurman and, as a civilian, reported the Boer War for the Manchester Guardian. Captured by the Boers, he escaped dramatically, and the popular appeal of his exploits helped him into a Parliamentary seat. Henry Pelling ; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
How Do We Look.. How Do We Look.. Engelstalig, gebonden boek met stofomslag, als nieuw The idea of civilisation has always been debated, even fought over. At the heart of those debates lies the big question of how people - from prehistory to the present day - have depicted themselves and others, both human and divine. Distinguished historian Mary Beard explores how art has shaped, and been shaped by, the people who created it. How have we looked at these images.. Why have they sometimes been so contentious.. In Part One, she examines how the human figure was portrayed in some of the earliest art in the world - from the gigantic stone heads carved by the Olmec of Central America to the statues and pottery of the ancient Greeks to the terracotta army of the first emperor of China. And she explains how one particular version of representing the human body, which goes back to the ancient world, still influences (and sometimes distorts) how people in the West see their own culture and that of others. Throughout this story, she is concerned not only with the artists who made images, but with those who have used them, viewed them and interpreted them. In other words How Do We Look.. In Part Two, Mary Beard turns to the relationship between art and religion. For centuries, religion has inspired art: from the Hindu temple at Angkor Wat to the Christian mosaics of Ravenna to the exquisite calligraphy of Islamic mosques. But making the divine visible in the human world has never been simple. All religions have wrestled with idolatry and iconoclasm, destroying art as well as creating it - and asking how to look with The Eye of Faith. Mary Beard ; € 8,50 In winkelwagen
Lucretia Mott Lucretia Mott Paperback, in zeer goede staat The daughter of a Nantucket sea captain, Lucretia Mott exhibited, from her earliest years, an extraordinary confidence and eloquence. As an adult, she dared to speak out to all-male audiences and refused to be silenced when she was attacked by protestors or when meeting halls where her organizations were to gather were burned down. In her later years, Mott became an advisor to presidents and a colleague to such activists as Frederick Douglas, Susan B. Anthony, and Sojourner Truth. Dorothy Sterling ; € 6,50 In winkelwagen
De moed om te vergeven De moed om te vergeven Gebonden met omslag, in nieuwstaat Persoonlijk verhaal van een kleinzoon van Nelson Mandela. Ndaba Thembekile Zweliyajika Mandela ; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
De familie Trump De familie Trump Dikke paperback, Portret van de Amerikaanse president Trump vanuit het perspectief van zijn familie: vijf kinderen uit drie huwelijken en zijn schoonfamilie. Emily Jane Fox ; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
De opstand van Boko Haram De opstand van Boko Haram Paperback, in zeer goede staat Jama atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda Awati Wal-Jihad, bekend als Boko Haram, houdt Nigeria al jaren in de greep en heeft duizenden burgerdoden op haar kerfstok. Toch beginnen de internationale alarmbellen pas echt te rinkelen na de ontvoering van de 276 Chibok-meisjes in april 2014. Beschreven als een radicale religieuze sekte, terreurorganisatie, criminele bende, sociale beweging of politiek instrument, weten we tot op heden weinig van Boko Haram. Maar opererend in de ontvlammende Sahel, waar landsgrenzen niets voorstellen en waar ook Al Qaida en IS huizen, is aandacht voor dit soort lokale bewegingen juist cruciaal. Hoe groeide een ideologische revolte uit tot een oorlogsmachine.. Wie zijn ze, wat willen ze en hoe worden ze gefinancierd.. En waarom kan Afrika s gigant haar niet verslaan.. Manon Stravens (Breda, 1977) is ontwikkelingswerker en journalist en heeft vooral West-Afrika veelvuldig bereisd en beschreven. Bijna vier jaar woonde en werkte ze in Mali, in 2013 verscheen het boek Bomako Bonjour - Over heethoofden, hulp en humor in de crisistijd. Manon Stravens ; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Jonge wijn in oude... Jonge wijn in oude zakken. Paperback, in zeer goede staat Brakman, Steven; Arjen van Witteloostuijn; € 6,50 In winkelwagen
The Port of Rotterdam The Port of Rotterdam Ingenaaide Engelstalige tekst van 93 pagina's, waarin al talloze prachtige z-w foto's van stad, haven en bedrijven zijn afgedrukt, dit alles omgeven door nog eens 64 pagina's met advertenties van bij de haven betrokken bedrijven, waarin ook foto's van plek en bedrijvigheid te bewonderen zijn, aangevuld met een uitgebreide index van waar welke bedrijven in de tekst te vinden zijn. Van buiten bezien een gewoon werkje, maar eenmaal opengeslagen met een schat aan gegevens over de situatie tegen de dertiger jaren van de vorige eeuw. Af en toe staat er een stempeltje in van de Bibliotheek openbare werken. The continental centre of world-shipping and world commerce was published on occasion of the Olympiade 1928 Dekking, H.; J. Wytema (Burgomaster, preface); € 50,00 In winkelwagen
Willink Willink 31 x 29 x 2,5 cm. Gebonden in zeer goede staat, met een stofomslag, waarvan de rug aan onder- en bovenkant licht gerafeld is. Beschrijving van leven en werk van de Nederlandse magisch-realistische schilder (1900-1983) Carel Willink; Hans Ludwig C. Jaffe; € 15,00 In winkelwagen
Marino Marini Marino Marini Prachtige Duitstalige uitgave van Skulptur, Malerei en Zeichnung van Marini. 30 x 30 x 4,5 cm. In zeer goede staat. Omslag heeft wat plekjes op de zijkanten van de rug. Marino Marini; Abraham Marie Hammacher; Wim Crouwel (lay-out); € 35,00 In winkelwagen
The Black City The Black City Paperback, Engels, in zeer goede staat. Original ed. 1860 Set against the backdrop of France s industrial revolution, this 1859 novel by the controversial, passionately socialist George Sand follows the fortunes of the dynamic, young metal smith Etienne Lavoute, known as Sept-Epees (or Seven Blades), as he strives to free himself not from the working class but from the woes imposed upon it by grasping mill owners. While ambition is the spur that prompts Sept-Epees to purchase a ramshackle factory he is ill equipped to run, love is the secret cause. For Sept-Epees, however misguidedly, would make himself worthy of the orphaned (like him), wise, pretty, and capable Tonine Gaucher. As eloquent in its exposure of the social ills that afflicted French workers at the onset of the industrial revolution as it is poignant in its exploration of love’s turbulent course for the prideful Sept-Epees and the proud Tonine, The Black City reflects George Sand’s enduring admiration for the struggles and triumphs of the working class as well as her genius in the characterization of strong, clear-eyed, independent women. If in Sept-Epees she embodies the estimable worker who can make of his craft an art, in Tonine she epitomizes the woman whose successes stunningly defy the conventions of the age. George Sand; Tina A. Rover (transl.) ; € 15,00 In winkelwagen
Firefighting Firefighting Engelstalige paperback, in nieuwstaat I learned much from this book I had not previously known. Its cautions for the future should be required reading for all policy makers. - Warren Buffett 2008 saw one of the worst financial crises in generations, the global implications of which are still being felt today. Ten years later Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner and Hank Paulson reflect on the causes of the crisis, why it was so damaging, and what it ultimately took to prevent a second Great Depression. All three had crucial roles in the government's response- Ben S. Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve; Henry M. Paulson, Jr., as secretary of the Treasury under President George W. Bush; Timothy F. Geithner as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York during the Bush years and then Treasury secretary under President Barack Obama. A powerful, warts and all account told with unprecedented clarity; from the flawed human response to the necessity to learn from the past and help firefighters of the future protect economies from the ravages of financial crises. Firefighting is a vital account of a defining moment in modern history and an inspiring lesson on leadership through crisis Ben S. Bernanke; Timothy F. Geithner; Henry M. Paulson ; € 9,50 In winkelwagen
The Exodus of the... The Exodus of the Macedonians from Greece Engelstalige paperback, in nieuwstaat. Oral History Lidija Stojanovik Lafazanovska; Ermis Lafazanovski; € 16,50 In winkelwagen
Sex Seen Sex Seen Paperback, Engels, als nieuw Sex Seen provides a complex and intriguing account of the changes that have taken place in the social construction of sexuality during the past century. Focusing on Sacramento, California, at the dawn of the twentieth century, Sharon Ullman juxtaposes early cinema, vaudeville performances, and popular newspapers and magazines with insights drawn from close interpretations of transcripts from Sacramento court cases. She demonstrates how attitudes that emerged in the popular discourse—ideas about gender roles, female desire, prostitution, divorce, and homosexuality—often found complex and contradictory expression in the courts. As judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and juries all weighed in with differing opinions, the courtroom itself became a site of multiple discourses that attempted to make sense of a growing sexual chaos. In tracing the birth of modern sexuality, Ullman chronicles the dynamics of social change during a unique cultural moment and explains the shifts in the sexual ethos of turn-of-the-century America.Instead of telling the familiar story of steadily increasing liberation of sexual urges, Ullman chronicles the complex confusions and negotiations of an increasingly public sexual discourse. She relates how laws against cross-dressing gained force at the same time that female impersonation became popular in vaudeville acts, how images of prostitutes were changed by the commercialization of the female body in advertising and film, and how visible expression of female desire was submerged in rape and divorce proceedings.Ullman blends social history, textual analysis, and film and performance criticism to explain how sexuality and desire became an essential part of personal identity in this century. Her keen, accessible account of a community on the brink of the modern era offers a provocative interpretation of the seeds of our sexual present. Sharon R. Ullman ; € 11,50 In winkelwagen
Marx en het... Marx en het democratisch socialisme Paperback, in nieuwstaat Willem Drees; Bart Tromp (voorwoord) ; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Who Set You Flowin? Who Set You Flowin? Engelstalige paperback, in zeer goede staat Twentieth-century America has witnessed the most widespread and sustained movement of African-Americans from the South to urban centers in the North. Who Set You Flowin? examines the impact of this dislocation and urbanization, identifying the resulting Migration Narratives as a major genre in African-American cultural production. Griffin takes an interdisciplinary approach with readings of several literary texts, migrant correspondence, painting, photography, rap music, blues, and rhythm and blues. From these various sources Griffin isolates the tropes of Ancestor, Stranger, and Safe Space, which, though common to all Migration Narratives, vary in their portrayal. She argues that the emergence of a dominant portrayal of these tropes is the product of the historical and political moment, often challenged by alternative portrayals in other texts or artistic forms, as well as intra-textually. Richard Wright's bleak, yet cosmopolitan portraits were countered by Dorothy West's longing for Black Southern communities. Ralph Ellison, while continuing Wright's vision, reexamined the significance of Black Southern culture. Griffin concludes with Toni Morrison embracing the South as a site of African-American history and culture. Farah Jasmine Griffin ; € 20,00 In winkelwagen
Survey of Russian History Survey of Russian History Revised edition 1947, published 1961. Engelstalige paperback, in goede staat Sumner, B.H. ; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
The Transfiguring Sword The Transfiguring Sword Gebonden met omslag, als nieuw. In het Engels. Provides a new understanding of the recurrent rhetorical need to employ conservative rhetoric in support of a radical cause The Womens Social and Political Union, the militant branch of the English womens suffrage movement, turned to arson, bombing, and widespread property destruction as a strategy to achieve suffrage for women. Because of its comparative rarity, terrorist violence by reform (as opposed to revolutionary) movements is underexplored, as is the discursive rhetoric that accompanies this violence. Largely because of the moral stance that drives such movements, the need to justify violence is greater for the reformist than for the revolutionary terrorist. The burden of rhetorical justification falls even more heavily on women utilizing violence, an option generally perceived as open only to men.The militant suffragettes justified their turn to limited terrorism by arguing that their violence was part of a just war. Appropriating the rhetoric of a just war in defense of reformist violence allowed the suffragettes to exercise a traditional rhetorical vision for the sake of radical action. The concept of a just war allowed a spinning out of a fantasy of heroes, of a gallant band fighting against the odds. It challenged the imagination of the public to extend to women a heroic vision usually reserved for men and to accept the new expectations inherent in that vision. By incorporating the concept of a just war into their rhetoric, the WSPU leaders took the most conventional justification that Western tradition provides for the use of violence and adapted it to meet their unique circumstance as women using violence for political reform.This study challenges the common view that the suffragettes use of military metaphors, their vilification of the government, and their violent attacks on property were signs of hysteria and self-destruction. Instead, what emerges is a picture of a deliberate, if controversial, strategy of violence supported by a rhetorical defense of unusual power and consistency. Cheryl R. Jorgensen-Earp ; € 22,50 In winkelwagen
Hitler en de... Hitler en de historici. De plaats van Adolf Hitler in de 20ste eeuw Paperback, in zeer goede staat Portret van Adolf Hitler aan de hand van de belangrijkste biografieen die er in de loop van de tijd over de Duitse dictator zijn geschreven. John Lukacs ; € 6,50 In winkelwagen
Olympiade 1936.... Olympiade 1936. Nazisme in de sport Paperback, in zeer goede staat Holmes, Judith; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
For Tibet, with Love For Tibet, with Love Paperback, ngels, in zeer goede staat An exhilarating account of a lone woman's indefatigable determination to make a difference Isabel Losada ; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri Paperback, in nieuwstaat Beknopte biografie van de Italiaanse dichter (1265-1321). Kurt Leonhard ; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Kanaleneilandjes Kanaleneilandjes Paperback, in zeer goede staat IJmker, Janne; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Dervish Dervish Engelstalige paperback, als nieuw Dervish is the story of the rise and fall of an African Empire. It began in the Sudan in the 1880s with a localized holy war fought against the decadent Turkish-Egyptian overlords. It was led by Mohammed Ahme Ibn Al-Sayid Abdullah -- the Mahdi -- and was soon to engulf a million square miles of arid territory. It forced the hand of a reluctant British Liberal Government, which was then approaching the zenith of its imperial power, and led to the disaster of the infamous Hicks Expedition and the death of General Gordon at Khartoum. Using first-hand accounts and diaries of participants, the author brilliantly describes the growth of the Mahdist movement and the extraordinary devotion and discipline of the Dervish troops. Set against them, with stoic endurance, were British, Egyptian and Sudanese soldiers. The resulting fierce engagements inspired amazing feats of courage and daring on both sides. The Dervish Empire survived the death of the Mahdi by 13 years, ending at the Battle of Omdurman and Kitchener's reconquest of the Sudan. Philip Warner ; € 10,00 In winkelwagen
Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Engelstalige paperback, in nieuwstaat This text covers Caesar's rise to power, and deals in detail with his campaign in Gaul. It follows his career from then until his death, through the conflict with Pompey and the futile Alexandrian campaign. The tactics and strategy of Caesar's wars are related to their political and diplomatic matrix, and through his conduct as a general, much of his character is revealed. Fuller concludes that Caesar was no innovator in the art of war, but that his great gift was for dash - frequently extracting himself from an apparently impossible position by the speed and impetus of his response. But frequently the position was due in the first place to Caesar's own error. Fuller, J.F.C. ; € 5,50 In winkelwagen
Balti Britain Balti Britain Gebonden met omslag. Engels. In zeer goede staat. A humane, sharp and witty perspective on the experience of being a British Asian. Ziauddin Sardar ; € 15,00 In winkelwagen
Louis Couperus en L.J.... Louis Couperus en L.J. Veen Gebonden met wat verkleurde omslag. In goede staat. Briefwisseling tussen de Nederlandse letterkundige (1863-1923) en zijn uitgever. Louis Couperus Lambertus Jacobus Veen ; € 7,50 In winkelwagen