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    Zee, berg, rivier...

    Zee, berg, rivier [Open Domein]

    Linnen. Dikke hardback met stofomslag en leeslint in goede staat. Kopsnede licht roestvlekkerig. Met fotokatern.

    H. Marsman (I899-1940) gold niet alleen tijdens zijn leven maar ook in de eerste naoorlogse decennia als de belangrijkste dichter van zijn generatie. Met zijn bundel Verzen (1923) werd hij op slag het rolmodel van menigeen tussen de 15 en de 25 die snakte naar frisse lucht in de bedompte Nederlandse samenleving, naar een nieuw elan, naar vitaliteit en daadkracht. Zijn gedichten klonken als klaroenstoten, zijn kritieken en manifesten knalden als zweepslagen. In feite duurde de periode van Marsmans daadwerkelijke leiderschap niet langer dan vijf jaar. Toch omhulde het imago van stralende Apollo hem als een tweede huid, zo sterk zelfs dat hij zich na zijn dertigste genoopt zag dat beeld publiekelijk af te breken. In zijn biografie van Marsman gaat Jaap Goedegebuure op zoek naar de twijfels en tegenstrijdigheden die het leven van dit ambivalente karakter hebben beheerst. De vitalist werd geobsedeerd door de dood, de man die riep om moderniteit kon niet loskomen van de traditie, de minnaar was bang voor vrouwen, de edelfascist bekeerde zich tot de democratie, de dichter die Nederland ontvluchtte schreef met 'Herinnering aan Holland' een van de meest klassieke gedichten uit onze taal. Zee, berg, rivier is een portret waarin de schaduwkanten minstens zo belangrijk zijn als de tot nu toe belichte kanten van deze persoonlijkheid.

    Jaap Goedegebuure;

    € 8,00

    Kepler's Witch

    Kepler's Witch

    Paperback in goede staat. Leesvouw in rug. Lichte gebruikssporen. Engelstalig.

    Set against the backdrop of the witchcraft trial of his mother, this lively biography of Johannes Kepler – 'the Protestant Galileo' and 16th century mathematician and astronomer – reveals the surprisingly spiritual nature of the quest of early modern science.

    In the style of Dava Sobel's Galileo's Daughter, Connor's book brings to life the tidal forces of Reformation, Counter–Reformation, and social upheaval. Johannes Kepler, who discovered the three basic laws of planetary motion, was persecuted for his support of the Copernican system. After a neighbour accused his mother of witchcraft, Kepler quit his post as the Imperial mathematician to defend her.

    James Connor tells Kepler's story as a pilgrimage, a spiritual journey into the modern world through war and disease and terrible injustice, a journey reflected in the evolution of Kepler's geometrical model of the cosmos into a musical model, harmony into greater harmony. The leitmotif of the witch trial adds a third dimension to Kepler's biography by setting his personal life within his own times. The acts of this trial, including Kepler's letters and the accounts of the witnesses, although published in their original German dialects, had never before been translated into English. Echoing some of Dava Sobel's work for Galileo's Daughter, Connor has translated the witch trial documents into English. With a great respect for the history of these times and the life of this man, Connor's accessible story illuminates the life of Kepler, the man of science, but also Kepler, a man of uncommon faith and vision.

    Auteur onbekend;

    € 6,99

    Emerson Among the...

    Emerson Among the Eccentrics

    Halflinnen. Dikke hardback met stofomslag in goede staat. Enkele kleine aantekening in index. Geillustreerd. Engelstalig.

    When Carlos Baker died in 1987, he had completed all but the finishing touches on what will be considered his masterpiece. An esteemed literary critic and mentor to several generations of younger scholars, Carlos Baker had a lifelong interest in the writers of the American Renaissance, particularly in Ralph Waldo Emerson, its intellectual centerpiece, but also in Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Amos Bronson Alcott, and Margaret Fuller, all of whom made Concord a mecca for American intellectuals, with Emerson undoubtedly its foremost citizen. Lucky for us that in his last years Carlos Baker poured his resources, wisdom, and affections into this remarkable book." "Emerson Among the Eccentrics is that rarest of accomplishments: a magnificent biography that functions equally as a group portrait and a highly detailed reconstruction of an entire area. Carlos Baker was indefatigable in going through all of the principal characters, journals, and correspondence to reconstruct, minutely, entire days; the result is a vivid and textured mosaic not just of the group's interrelationships but of their daily lives - what they ate, what they wore, what they did for entertainment, what they valued and what they did not, how they "managed" life. All of this, though, went to serve Baker's larger aim and hope of bringing Emerson to life in his quotidian relationships: as young man and old; husband, father, son, and brother; preacher, lecturer, editor, and clubman; farmer, householder, host, and guest.

    Carlos Baker;

    € 17,50
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