The biology of reptiles and amphibians; Reptiles, amphibians and man; Snake bite and its treatment; Reptiles and amphibians in the British Isles; Salamanders and newts; Salamandridae, typical salamanders and newts; Key to triturus, newts; Plethodontidae, cave salamanders; Proteidae, olm; Frogs and toads; Discoglossidae, fire-bellied toads, painted frogs and midwife toads; Pelobatidae, spadefoots and parsley frog; Bufonidae, typical toads; Hylidae, tree frogs; Ranidae, typical frogs; Tortoises, terrapins and sea turtles; Testudinidae, tortoises; Emydidae, terrapins; Dermochelyidae and cheloniidae, Sea turtles; Lizards and amphisbaenians; Gekkonidae, geckoes; Agamidae, agamas; Chamaeleontidae, chameleons; Lacertidae, lacertids or typical lizards; Key to lacerta part I, green lizards; Keys to lacerta part II, and podarcis, small; Anguidae, slow worm and glass lizard; Scincidae, skinks; Amphisbaenidae, Amphisbaenians (Worm''Lizards'); Snakes; Typhlopidae, worm snakes; Boidae, sand boas; Colubridae, typical snakes (Montpellier snake, whip snakes, rat snakes, water snakes, smooth snakes, false smooth snake and cat snake); Viperidae, vipers; Identification of amphibian eggs; Identification of amphibian larvae; Key to newt and salamander larvae; Key to frog and toad larvae; Internal characters.