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    Klein formaat hardcover met stofomslag. Op het schutblad is een boodschap geschreven door de vorige eigenaar. Dit is de uitgave zonder illustraties, het is een dun boekje, maar met een grootste inhoud. Echt een aanrader voor wie van diepzinnige levenswijsheid houdt.

    Op zijn handelsreizen naar Japan ontmoet een 19e-eeuwse Fransman een mysterieuze vrouw. De betoverende novelle Zijde (1997) betekende de definitieve doorbraak van de Italiaanse auteur Alessandro Baricco. Het boek werd in 1998 uitgeroepen tot ‘Booksellers International Book of the Year’. Het verhaal speelt in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw. De economie van het Zuidfranse dorpje Lavilledieu draait helemaal om de productie van zijde. Door een ziekte onder de zijderupsen, traditioneel aangevoerd uit Egypte en Turkije, moet men de eitjes voor de rupsen daarom helemaal uit Japan gaan halen. In die tijd nog een mysterieus en geheimzinnig land. De grenzen voor niet-Japanners zijn nog maar net geopend. Hervé Joncour wordt vanuit Lavilledieu vier keer op expeditie gestuurd om de eitjes te gaan halen. Elke keer raakt raakt hij meer in de ban van een intrigerende, jonge vrouw, tevens de echtgenote van handelaar van wie hij de eitjes van de zijderupsen koopt. Een ingenieus en wonderschoon vertelt verhaal vol verlangen en onbereikbaarheid, dat zowel ratio als gevoel aan het wankelen brengt.

    Alessandro Baricco toont bouwt met weinig woorden prachtige, levensechte personages. De 65 kleine hoofdstukjes bouwen een oosters sprookje, vol sensuele, exotische symboliek. Een 'zijde' zacht, poëtisch kleinood, met een haast onvermijdelijke, tragische en ontnuchterende ontknoping. In 2007 is het boek verfilmd door de Franse regisseur Francois Girard met Michael Pitt en Keira Knightley in de hoofdrollen. Het boek is echter 1000 keer beter en intrigerender dan de film!

    Alessandro Baricco;

    € 4,00

    Fault Lines [SIGNED]

    Fault Lines [SIGNED]

    Mooi exemplaar. Engelstalige hardcover met stofomslag. SIGNED COPY, Gesigneerd exemplaar met een persoonlijke boodschap aan Andy, best wishes.

    Raghuram Rajan was one of the few economists who warned of the global financial crisis before it hit. Now, as the world struggles to recover, it's tempting to blame what happened on just a few greedy bankers who took irrational risks and left the rest of us to foot the bill. In Fault Lines, Rajan argues that serious flaws in the economy are also to blame, and warns that a potentially more devastating crisis awaits us if they aren't fixed.

    Rajan shows how the individual choices that collectively brought about the economic meltdown--made by bankers, government officials, and ordinary homeowners--were rational responses to a flawed global financial order in which the incentives to take on risk are incredibly out of step with the dangers those risks pose. He traces the deepening fault lines in a world overly dependent on the indebted American consumer to power global economic growth and stave off global downturns. He exposes a system where America's growing inequality and thin social safety net create tremendous political pressure to encourage easy credit and keep job creation robust, no matter what the consequences to the economy's long-term health; and where the U.S. financial sector, with its skewed incentives, is the critical but unstable link between an overstimulated America and an underconsuming world.

    In Fault Lines, Rajan demonstrates how unequal access to education and health care in the United States puts us all in deeper financial peril, even as the economic choices of countries like Germany, Japan, and China place an undue burden on America to get its policies right. He outlines the hard choices we need to make to ensure a more stable world economy and restore lasting prosperity.

    Raghuram G. Rajan ;

    € 15,00

    Muslim Mafia

    Muslim Mafia

    Dikke hardcover met stofomslag (met op de achterkant een klein scheurtje van 1 cm en op de rug een klein stickertje). Verder een goed exemplaar, schoon en fris en geen naam of aantekeningen in het boek. 

    With ISIS metastasizing into more than two dozen countries, a massive refugee crisis threatening to negatively impact America much the same way it has decimated Europe, and increasing numbers of homegrown terrorists, radicalized into embracing jihad, within our own borders, Muslim Mafia is the book you need in order to understand what is really happening to America.

    Muslim Mafia is the sensational result of a six-month undercover penetration of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations that resulted in the collection of thousands of pages of smoking-gun documents from this terror-linked front group for the dangerous, mob-like Muslim Brotherhood.

    Muslim Mafia delivers all the elements of a top-flight mystery novel, except that the situations and conversations are totally real. The book's frightening allegations are supported by more than 12,000 pages of confidential CAIR documents and hundreds of hours of video captured in an unprecedented undercover operation. This trail of information reveals the seditious and well-funded efforts of the Brotherhood under the nonprofit guise of CAIR to support the international jihad movement against the United States. Posing as an intern, Chris Gaubatz courageously gains the trust of CAIR's inner sanctum, working undercover while posing as a devoted convert to Islam, and blows the whistle on the entire factory fueling the wave of homegrown terrorism now plaguing America.

    P. David Gaubatz; Paul E. Sperry;

    € 15,00

    Financial Fiasco

    Financial Fiasco

    Mooi exemplaar, Engelstalige hardcover met stofomslag. Nagenoeg als nieuw. Hardcover, with dustjacket, LIKE NEW. Trefwoorden, huizenbubbel, kredietcrisis, bankencrisis, economische crisis, problemen in de huizenmarkt in Amerika.

    The story of this storm in the global markets is the story of how government intervention to solve previous crises laid the foundation for a new one, writes Johan Norberg in his important new book. Tracing the causes of our current financial crisis with liveliness and clarity, Financial Fiasco shows the mistakes made in Washington, on Wall Street, and in communities across America that led to the economic meltdown. While many analysts have placed the blame solely on Wall Street, Norberg exposes the crucial role government regulation played in creating the opportunities and incentives that led to the financial collapse. In six concise chapters, Financial Fiasco tells the complex story of the crisis, showing how monetary policy, housing policy, and financial innovations combined to create financial catastrophe. The final two chapters describe the government's mismanagement of the crisis and how we are now dangerously repeating many of the very same mistakes that caused it. An understanding of the roots of the financial crisis is crucial for every American who has felt its effects - and would like to prevent the same disaster from happening again. Financial Fiasco provides that understanding, with great insight, clarity, and wit. Just as important, the book serves as a profound warning against pursuing the wrong solutions. After government authorities had helped create the worst financial crisis in generations, the climate of ideas has now shifted dramatically in the direction of bigger and more active government," Norberg writes. Financial Fiasco is the perfect antidote to those ideas, a cautionary tale on how to stop confusing the disease with the cure."--Jacket.

    Johan Norberg ;

    € 20,00

    The Burning Tigris...

    The Burning Tigris [SIGNED]

    GESIGNEERD met handgeschreven opdracht van de auteur. Hardcover, Engelstalig, met stofomslag. Mooi exemplaar in zeer goede staat. SIGNED COPY by the Author, with a personal handwritten note. First edition, probably a third printing. Very good condition.

    In this groundbreaking history of the Armenian Genocide, the critically acclaimed author of the memoir Black Dog of Fate brings us a riveting narrative of the massacres of the Armenians in the 1890s and genocide in 1915 at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Using rarely seen archival documents and remarkable first-person accounts, Peter Balakian presents the chilling history of how the Young Turk government implemented the first modern genocide behind the cover of World War I. And in the telling, he also resurrects an extraordinary lost chapter of American history.

    During the United States' ascension in the global arena at the turn of the twentieth century, America's humanitarian movement for Armenia was an important part of the rising nation's first epoch of internationalism. Intellectuals, politicians, diplomats, religious leaders, and ordinary citizens came together to try to save the Armenians. The Burning Tigris reconstructs this landmark American cause that was spearheaded by the passionate commitments and commentaries of a remarkable cast of public figures, including Julia Ward Howe, Clara Barton, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Alice Stone Blackwell, Stephen Crane, and Ezra Pound, as well as courageous missionaries, diplomats, and relief workers who recorded their eyewitness accounts and often risked their lives in the killing fields of Armenia.

    Peter Balakian;

    € 40,00
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