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    Èngels. Gebonden met omslag. In sommige hoofdstukken komen potloodonderstrepingen voor. Verder is het een zeer gaaf exemplaar. 

    In Science, Patricia Fara rewrites science's past to provide new ways of understanding and questioning our modern technological society. Aiming not just to provide information but to make people think, this unique book explores how science has become so powerful by describing the financial interests and imperial ambitions behind its success.
    Sweeping through the centuries from ancient Babylon right up to the latest hi-tech experiments in genetics and particle physics, Fara's book also ranges internationally, challenging notions of European superiority by emphasising the importance of scientific projects based around the world, including revealing discussions of China and the Islamic Empire alongside the more familiar stories about Copernicus's sun-centered astronomy, Newton's gravity, and Darwin's theory of evolution. We see for instance how Muslim leaders encouraged science by building massive libraries, hospitals, and astronomical observatories and we rediscover the significance of medieval Europe--long overlooked--where, surprisingly, religious institutions ensured science's survival, as the learning preserved in monasteries was subsequently developed in new and unique institutions: universities. Instead of focussing on esoteric experiments and abstract theories, she explains how science belongs to the practical world of war, politics and business. And rather than glorifying scientists as idealized heroes, she tells true stories about real people--men (and some women) who needed to earn their living, who made mistakes, and who trampled down their rivals.
    Finally, this provocative volume challenges scientific supremacy itself, arguing that science is successful not because it is always indubitably right, but because people have said that it is right. Science dominates modern life, but perhaps the globe will be better off by limiting science's powers and undoing some of its effects.
    "Dismantling popular myths, taking a truly global view and dispensing with false idols, Fara's highly readable survey of science's histories is a breath of fresh air. She unerringly pinpoints the defining moods of each age, treating the past with respect and the present with discernment. This wonderfully literate book tells a story that is far, far more interesting than the tidy fictions of hindsight." -- Philip Ball, Consultant Editor of Nature
    "It's been a very long time since any reputable historian of science had the desire, the knowledge, or the nerve to undertake a book like this-- an attempt to survey the development of science from Antiquity to the present, notably including non-European materials. Patricia Fara has succeeded: Science is an elegant and compact creative synthesis of the piecemeal researches of generations of academic historians. It deserves the widest possible readership." - Steven Shapin, Professor of the History of Science, Harvard, and author of The Scientific Revolution

    Patricia Fara lectures in the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge and is the Senior Tutor of Clare College. She is the author of numerous books, including Fatal Attraction: Magnetic Mysteries of the Enlightenment and Newton: The Making of Genius. Her writing has appeared in History Today, New Scientist, Nature, The Times and New Statesman, and she writes a regular column on scientific portraits for Endeavour.
    Books by the same author Fatal Attraction: Magnetic Mysteries of the Enlightenment by Patricia Fara. Published: 2005 Publisher: Icon Books Price: L9.99 Pandora's Breeches: Women, Science and Power in the Enlightenment by Patricia Fara. Published: 2004 Publisher: Pimlico Price: L12.99 Sex, Botany and Empire; the Stories of Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks by Patricia Fara. Published: 2003 Publisher: Icon Books Price: L6.99 Newton: the Making of Genius by Patricia Fara. Published: 2002 Publisher: Macmillan Price: L20 An Entertainment for Angels: Electricity in the Enlightenment by Patricia Fara. Publish

    Patricia Fara ;

    € 15,00

    The Invisible Heart....

    The Invisible Heart. Economics and Family Values

    Engelstalige paperback in zeer goede staat. Geen naam voorin, rechte rug. 

    There has been much talk about family values in recent years, but little examination of the economic forces that are exploding family life and limiting the caregiving that families can provide. As Folbre points out in her provocative and insightful new book, every society must confront the problem of balancing self-interested pursuits with care for others--including children, the elderly, and the infirm. Historically, most societies enjoyed an increased supply of care by maintaining strict limits on women's freedom. But as these limits happily and inevitably give way, there are many consequences for those who still need care.

    Using the image of "the invisible heart" to evoke the forces of compassion that must temper the forces of self-interest, Folbre argues that if we don't establish a new set of rules defining our mutual responsibilities for caregiving, the penalties suffered by the needy--our very families--will increase. Intensified economic competition may drive altruism and families out of business.

    A leading feminist economist, Nancy Folbre writes in a lively, personal style--Molly Ivins cheek-to-cheek with John Kenneth Galbraith--and develops a distinctive approach to the economics of care. Unlike others who praise family values, Folbre acknowledges the complicated relationship between women and altruism. Her book offers new interpretations of such policy issues as welfare reform, school finance, and progressive taxation, and it confronts the challenges of globalization, outlining strategies for developing an economic system that rewards both individual achievement and care for others.

    Nancy Folbre ;

    € 12,50

    Mismeasuring Our...

    Mismeasuring Our Lives. Why GDP Doesn't Add Up

    Engelstalige paperback in goede staat. Klein stickertje op de rug en kaft geplakt met de tekst Used, maar in werkelijkheid is daar niets van te zien en lijkt het boek verder als nieuw. By the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (France)

    In February of 2008, amid the looming global financial crisis, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France asked Nobel Prize-winning economists Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen, along with the distinguished French economist Jean Paul Fitoussi, to establish a commission of leading economists to study whether Gross Domestic Product (GDP)--the most widely used measure of economic activity--is a reliable indicator of economic and social progress. The Commission was given the further task of laying out an agenda for developing better measures.

    Mismeasuring Our Lives is the result of this major intellectual effort, one with pressing relevance for anyone engaged in assessing how and whether our economy is serving the needs of our society. The authors offer a sweeping assessment of the limits of GDP as a measurement of the well-being of societies--considering, for example, how GDP overlooks economic inequality (with the result that most people can be worse off even though average income is increasing); and does not factor environmental impacts into economic decisions.

    In place of GDP, Mismeasuring Our Lives introduces a bold new array of concepts, from sustainable measures of economic welfare, to measures of savings and wealth, to a "green GDP." At a time when policymakers worldwide are grappling with unprecedented global financial and environmental issues, here is an essential guide to measuring the things that matter.

    Joseph E. Stiglitz; Amartya Sen; Jean-Paul Fitoussi;

    € 7,50

    Brand New how...

    Brand New how enterpreneurs earned consumers trust from wegwood to dell

    Engelstalige hardcover met stofomslag, ziet er gloed nieuw uit. Geen leesvouwen of geschreven tekst.

    Until Josiah Wedgwood, Britons ate from wood and pewter plates. Until Henry Heinz, women toiled over pickled foods. Until Michael Dell, few people owned a personal computer, let alone dreamed of buying one "built to order." According to business historian Nancy F. Koehn, these pathbreaking entrepreneurs shared a powerful gift: the ability to discern how economic and social change would affect consumer needs and wants.

    In Brand New, Koehn introduces us to six extraordinary leaders of brand creation who lived and worked during periods of widespread change: Josiah Wedgwood in the Industrial Revolution; Henry Heinz and Marshall Field in the Transportation and Communication Revolution; and Est?e Lauder, Howard Schultz of Starbucks, and Michael Dell in the Information Revolution. Through compelling and engaging profiles of these entrepreneurial visionaries, she reveals a provocative relationship between economic turbulence, household priorities, and company strategy that holds important lessons for today's brand builders.

    According to Koehn, these forward-thinking individuals understood the profound effects that socioeconomic change has on what customers want, have, and can afford as much as on what companies make-and were masters at exploiting the enormous business opportunities these demand-side shifts created. Indeed, the brands and companies created by these individuals have become such a part of everyday life that we've made them part of common speech: we pass the Heinz; eat off Wedgwood; order a Starbucks.

    Koehn draws from their diaries, correspondence, and official business records to demonstrate that these entrepreneurs were more than savvy marketers; they were institution builders. She shows how each used brand not as a logo, but as a vital strategic tool for creating best-of-class companies-and for building powerful organizational capabilities that supported their connections with customers and helped make new markets for their offerings.

    Distilling critical lessons for businesses operating in both the traditional and on-line worlds, Brand New will convince every entrepreneur of the remarkable power of brands to transform start-ups, gain competitive advantage, and change lives.

    Nancy Fowler Koehn ;

    € 15,00

    The Geography of Insight

    The Geography of Insight

    Engelstalige uitgave, gebonden met stofomslag, als nieuw

    The humanities and the sciences face challenging times, each in their own way. The humanities suffer shrinking enrollments and budgets, and are perceived by some as irrelevant in a changing economy. The sciences face a political climate that disrespects academic expertise and challenges settled debates. Meanwhile age-old disputes about their spheres of knowledge continue: does scientific knowledge subsume that of the humanities? Are their forms of knowledge complementary, or ultimately at odds?

    Richard Foley, a philosopher of knowledge and the former Dean of Arts and Sciences at New York University, here provides a concise and accessible overview of what the overarching goals of these disciplines are, relative to one another, and what kind of knowledge they aim to produce. His fundamental argument is that the sciences aim at insights that ideally are not limited to particular locations or times and are also perspective-free and wholly descriptive, whereas the humanities appropriately seek insights about specific locations and times, with the insights being perspective-based and having evaluative as well as descriptive elements. He also finds these two spheres of knowledge to be complementary in the search for understanding of our world and the human condition. The ultimate goal of Foley's investigation however is an eloquent defense and celebration of the culture of academic research. In an era of sound-bites and tweet-length falsehoods, this culture values and supports long-term intellectual achievements for the good of humanity - produced with hard work, dedication, and patience. The Geography of Insight is essential reading for readers both inside and outside of the academy.

    Richard Foley ;

    € 20,00

    First Principles: Five...

    First Principles: Five Keys to Restoring America s Prosperity

    Engels, halflinnen met omslag, als nieuw

    America's economic future is uncertain. Mired in a long, crippling economic slump and hamstrung by bitter partisan debate over the growing debt and the role of government, the nation faces substantial challenges. Prominent Stanford University economist John B. Taylor brings his steady voice of reason to the discussion with a natural solution: start with the country's founding principles of economic and political freedom--limited government, rule of law, strong incentives, reliance on markets, a predictable policy framework--and reconstruct its economic foundation from these proven principles. Channeling his high-level experience as both a policymaker and a researcher, Taylor shows that when we embrace these first principles, the economy prospers. When we abandon them, the economy falters. In a masterful sweep through history, he identifies the key policymakers who stuck to, ignored, or compromised on these principles, drawing lessons from the mistakes and successes of each administration from JFK's to Obama's, as well as from the policies of Arthur Burns, Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan, and Ben Bernanke, who ran the Federal Reserve during these periods. Neither Democrats nor Republicans wholly own these mistakes and successes. Taylor then zeroes in on current policy issues, applying the first principles. He lays out in simple terms bold strategies to defuse the debt explosion, to reform the Fed so it once again follows rules that work, to reform regulations and put an end to crony capitalism and scattershot bailouts, to transform existing entitlements and improve people's lives, and to rebuild America's global economic leadership.

    John B. Taylor ;

    € 6,00

    Het grote gevecht en...

    Het grote gevecht en het eenzame gelijk van Paul Polman

    Paperback, in zeer goede staat

    "Bedrijven die niet bijdragen aan een betere wereld hebben geen bestaansrecht. Ze moeten zich op het goede richten, de wereld beter maken, het geld komt dan vanzelf. Na de door hebzucht en overmoed gekenmerkte crisis van 2008 wordt deze boodschap van de nieuwe CEO van Unilever met gejuich ontvangen. Onverbiddelijk en onvermoeibaar legt Paul Polman uit: multinationals als Unilever spelen een hoofdrol in het uitbannen van armoede en het aanpakken van het klimaatprobleem. Dit is het grote gevecht om de ziel van het kapitalisme. Maar de moedige pionier loopt zo ver voor de troepen uit dat ?zijn? duurzame Unilever in 2017 dreigt te worden opgeslokt door concurrent Kraft-Heinz. Na deze ?bijna-doodervaring? gaat Polman op zoek naar een veilige haven voor zijn experiment. Door dagkoersen geregeerde Britse aandeelhouders en Nederlandse politici versperren de slecht luisterende ?CEO-priester? de weg. Zijn poging om er eindelijk echt één bedrijf van te maken met één hoofdkantoor in Nederland, mislukt op dramatische wijze. 0In 'Het drama Ahold' (2004) en 'De Prooi' (2008) reconstrueerde Jeroen Smit hoe falend leiderschap, opgejaagd door op snelle winst gerichte aandeelhouders, veel waarde vernietigde. De wereld snakt naar een bedrijfsleven dat zich over de grote vraagstukken van deze tijd ontfermt. In 'Het Grote Gevecht' laat Smit zien dat we daarvoor allemaal, als consumenten, werknemers en vooral ook als beleggers, een grote draai moeten maken.

    Jeroen Smit ;

    € 9,50

    IMF Essays from a Time...

    IMF Essays from a Time of Crisis

    (Black) Cloth with dustjacket, as new

    Stanley Fischer served as First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund from 1994 to 2001. IMF Essays from a Time of Crisis collects sixteen essays written for the most part during his time at the IMF, each updated with Fischer's later reflections on the issues raised. The IMF drew much criticism for some of its actions during Fischer's tenure, and he vigorously defends the "battlefield medicine" practiced by the IMF during a series of economic crises, which included the problems of economic transition in the former Soviet bloc and the Asian financial crisis. Fischer addresses the subsequent calls for reform of the international financial system and makes the case for the IMF as an international lender of last resort.

    The first section of essays, "The Role of the IMF and the Reform of the International Financial System," considers the IMF's role in the international financial system in light of the crises of the 1990s. The second section, "Macroeconomic Policy, Stabilization, and Transition," examines such topics as exchange rate regimes, inflation, and Eastern Europe's relation to the European Union. The final section, "Poverty and Development," reflects Fischer's basic belief that economic policies should explicitly target poverty reduction. These engaging and accessible essays will appeal not only to economics students, economists, and policymakers but also to the general reader interested in the international monetary system.

    Stanley Fischer ;

    € 36,50
    € 12,50
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