Opium. Eine... Opium. Eine Kulturgeschichte. Groot formaat dik gebonden boek met stofomslag, in goede staat. Duitstalig. Seefelder, Matthias.; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Ontwikkeling van de... Ontwikkeling van de Stad. De Wording van Europa. Groot formaat dun gebonden boek met stofomslag, in goede staat. Dijkstra, Henk (red.); € 2,50 In winkelwagen
Zes jaren in Suriname... Zes jaren in Suriname 1836-1842. Schetsen en taferelen Linnengebonden hardcover (ingenaaid) met stofomslag in goede staat: met gedrukte opdracht van M.A. Meyer aan B. Lubbers en signatuur op schutblad. Uitgave opnieuw gezet, gedrukt en uitgegeven in opdracht van de Suriname Aluminum Company (oorspronkelijk door De Walburg Pers). Met een samenvatting in het Engels. A. Kappler; € 32,00 In winkelwagen
Transformatiestrategie... Transformatiestrategieen voor verouderde stadswijken, Paperback, in goede staat. Net ex. Remon Michel Rooij; € 11,50 In winkelwagen
Commentary on the... Commentary on the Additional Protocols Dik gebonden boek, in goede staat. Engelstalig. Dundruk. Annex I is commented by Philippe Eberlin. Claude Pilloud; Yves Sandoz; Christophe Swinarski; Bruno Zimmermann; € 60,00 In winkelwagen
De joden in Duitsland... De joden in Duitsland van de Romeinse tijd tot de Weimar Republiek Hardback (ingenaaid) met stofomslag in zeer goed staat. Rijk geill. met z-w foto's. Nachum T. Gidal; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
In the Aftermath of... In the Aftermath of Art. Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics. Critical Commentary Softcover in good condition. By juxtaposing issues and problems, Donald Preziosi's latest collection of essays, In the Aftermath of Art, opens up multiple interpretive possibilities by bringing to the surface hidden resonances in the implications of each text. In re-reading his own writings, Preziosi opens up alternatives to contemporary discourses on art history and visual culture. A critical commentary by critic, historian, and theorist Johanne Lamoureux complements the author's own introduction, mirroring the multiple interpretations within the essays themselves. Donald Preziosi; Johanne Lamoureux; € 25,60 In winkelwagen
The Observer and J.L.... The Observer and J.L. Garvin 1908-1914 cloth bound with dustjacket, in good condition With opposite the title page a cartoon in color by Alick P.F.Ritchie Gollin, A.M. ; € 15,88 In winkelwagen
The Politics of... The Politics of Justification softcover, in goede staat Annotation Elizabeth A. Kaye specializes in communications as part of her coaching and consulting practice. She has edited Requirements for Certification since the 2000-01 edition. Christoffer Green-Pedersen; € 7,88 In winkelwagen
De Joodse sekten ten... De Joodse sekten ten tijde van Jezus Pocket, met leesvouw, lichte gebruikssporen, verder in goede staat. Simon, Marcel; € 2,50 In winkelwagen
American Memorial.... American Memorial. Bastogne Historical Center Softcover (geniet) in redelijk staat: enkele pagina`s watervlekkig. Gids met tekst in Nederlands, Engels, Duits en Frans over de enscenering in het herdenkingscentrum van de `Slag om Bastogne` in december 1944. Guy Franz Arend; € 4,79 In winkelwagen
Kunstschatze aus Korea Kunstschatze aus Korea Softcover (ingenaaid) in goede staat. Tent.cat. bij gelijknamige tent. (Koln, Hamburg) met bijdragen van meerdere auteurs en cat.deel met 265 cat.nrs. veelal in z-w, enkele in kleur afgebeeld. Roger Goepper; Ji Hyun Whang; Roderick Whitfield (red.); € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Cyprus & Aphrodite Cyprus & Aphrodite Softcover (ingenaaid) in goede staat: krabbel op Franse titelpagina; schutblad uitgescheurd. Tent.cat. bij gelijknamige tent. (Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam) met tekst in Engels en Nederlands, z-w en kl.ill. Stella M. Lubsen-Admiraal; Joost Crouwel; € 4,40 In winkelwagen
Poland. Nation and... Poland. Nation and Art. A history of the Nation`s Awareness and its Expression in art Hardback (sewn) with dustjacket in good condition: dustjacket slightly discoloured. Foremost a picturebook with 594 illustrations in b/w and colour. Maria en Bogdan Suchodolski; € 12,00 In winkelwagen
Frauensport im Faschismus Frauensport im Faschismus Paperback, in goede staat. Regina Landschoof; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Media and Memory in... Media and Memory in New Shanghai Hardcover, as new. Thriving on its long-term collective memory of possessing futurity, the mega city of Shanghai on the Eastern seaboard of China is once more jockeying for the position as Asia's foremost modern place. An essential part of the regeneration of contemporary Shanghai has been the return, not only of foreign direct investment, but of 'Westerners' to the city since the 1990s. Contributing to current debates about the globality and mediatization of memories, Lagerkvist critically interrogates Shanghai's spectacular resurrection into an emergent world center from the vantage point of how Western elites (tourists, expatriates and travel bloggers) partake in the production of New Shanghai. Through performances of memory, Westerners consume the regenerative nostalgia of the city. This book shows that these mediatized memory practices become essential for the city and tie in with how the municipal government (in tandem with international scriptings of the city in for example films and travel journalism) is currently theming Shanghai by situating memories of futures past and visions for the future in a coherent narrative and sensory-emotive realm of experience. Amanda Lagerkvist; € 28,00 In winkelwagen
Europe`s Myths of Orient Europe`s Myths of Orient Paperback, in good condition. Rana Kabbani; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
The Colonial Reckoning The Colonial Reckoning Hardcover, traces of use, in good condition. Margery Perham; € 6,80 In winkelwagen
Welkom thuis, mevrouw Welkom thuis, mevrouw Paperback, in goede staat. Ada Papazian ; € 3,00 In winkelwagen
Im Wendekreis der Waage. Im Wendekreis der Waage. Mooi ex. Paperback, in zeer goede staat. Duitstalig. Das Sachbuch Im Wendekreis der Waage von Claudia Maria Traint rechnet mit Schlankheitswahn, Gewichtsphobien, Schönheitsindustrie sowie deren medialer Propaganda ab. Ein Buch für alle Frauen und Männer, die sich nicht so einfach mit der Kulturtechnik des Diäthalten abspeisen lassen wollen Claudia Maria Traint; € 18,50 In winkelwagen
The Left and the Erotic The Left and the Erotic Paperback, in good condition. Eileen Phillips (ed.); € 4,00 In winkelwagen
Eminent Victorians.... Eminent Victorians. The Illustrated Edition Hardback (ingenaaid) met stofomslag in goede staat: binnenzijde stofomslag wat roestvlekkig en naam op schutblad. Oorspronkelijk verschenen in 1918 schetst de auteur een ontluisterend beeld van vier zog. eminente Victorianen: Kardinaal Manning, Florence Nichtingale, Dr. Arnold en Genreaal gordon. Lytton Strachey; € 10,00 In winkelwagen
Artful Science.... Artful Science. Enlightenment, Entertainment and the Eclipse of Visual Education Softcover (ingenaaid) in redelijke staat: gele markeringen van passages in het boek. Exploring the exhilarating but paradoxical intertwining of enchantment with enlightenment in the early modern period. Barbara Maria Stafford; € 16,00 In winkelwagen
Bijdragen tot de... Bijdragen tot de kennis van Gelderland Hardcover (niet origineel) met opgeplakte omslag in goede staat. Nieuw ingebonden band met 1 uitklapbare kaart van het waterpeil van de rivieren IJssel, Nederrijn en Lek enBoven Rijn en Waal. L.A.J.W. Baron Sloet; € 52,00 In winkelwagen
Anvil of Sinai Anvil of Sinai gebonden, met stofomslag, in goede staat Zechariah Fendel, Rabbi; € 7,88 In winkelwagen
Blackstone in America Blackstone in America hardcover met stofomslag, in zeer goede staat Blackstone in America explores the creative process of transplantation - the way in which American legislators and judges refashioned the English common law inheritance to fit the republican political culture of the new nation. With current scholarship returning to focus on the transformation of Anglo-American law to "American" law, Professor Kathryn Preyer's lifelong study of the constitutional and legal culture of the early American republic has acquired new relevance and a wider audience. The collection includes Professor Preyer's work on criminal law, the early national judiciary, and the history of the book. All nine of Professor Preyer's important and award-winning essays are easily accessible in this volume, with new introductions by three leading scholars of early American law. Bilder, Mary ; Maeva Marcus; R. Kent Newmyer; € 32,00 In winkelwagen
In het hart van Toscane In het hart van Toscane Paperback, met leesvouw, in goede staat. Matthew Spender; € 3,19 In winkelwagen
An Illustrated History... An Illustrated History of Ireland Paperback, in good condition. With illustrations. Mary Francis Cusack; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Papakupu Ingoa Wahi... Papakupu Ingoa Wahi Maori a Reed. The Reed Dictionary of Maori Place Names. Paperback, in good condition. Many Maori place names date back to the very earliest days of habitation in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Some, in fact, originated in the Hawaiki homeland and were adapted to the new land. Whatever their origin, most reflect the Maoris' closeness to the forces of nature and incorporate common words for everyday things. A.W. Reed; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
In dienst van de waarheid In dienst van de waarheid Paperback, met leesvouwen, in goede staat. Joseph Wilson; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
The Annals of Tacitus The Annals of Tacitus Hardcover, in good condition. Text in Latin. Henry Furneaux (ed.); € 28,00 In winkelwagen