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    The Grail Castle

    The Grail Castle

    Dunne paperback, in goede staat. Engelstalig.

    The ancient Celts had a secret. They knew that the ideal man should be samildanach, "complete and whole." The journey to achieve this goal was related mythically in the Grail legends. Now you can find the secrets of this journey in The Grail Castle by Kenneth Johnson and Marguerite Elsbeth. This amazing book blends the ancient myths with Carl Jung's insights into the nature of personality in men. He saw that there were four major categories of personality: Warrior-Hero; Lover; Magician-Wise Man; and King-Father. These were represented by the four treasures of the Grail myth. Jung also saw that the goal of the myth ó to obtain all of the treasures ó symbolized integrating the segmented personality into a healthy whole. This process can be accomplished through years of work with a Jungian analyst. Or you can do the work yourself, using the meditations, rituals, and shamanic practices in The Grail Castle. First, you will take some simple tests to find out which archetype is most prevalent in your personality. You'll learn how living with this influences everything you do. The goal of your journey is not to quiet this influence, but to passionately arouse all of the archetypes Then, you can unite them, and be born again as a whole, integrated person. If you are a man, this book is a must. It will show you the keys to breaking down barriers to personal development. If you are a woman, you'll want this book so you can learn how to better nurture and encourage the men in your life. Get this book today.

    Kenneth Johnson; Marguerite Elsbeth;

    € 7,19
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