Die Vaterfalle. Die Vaterfalle. Paperback, in goede staat. Sigrid Steinbrecher; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
The age of sex crime The age of sex crime Paperback, in good condition. With illustrations. Jane Caputi; € 10,00 In winkelwagen
Uber die Lesbische Liebe Uber die Lesbische Liebe Paperback, in goede staat. Duitstalig. Genevieve Pastre; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Wenn Frauen Frauen lieben Wenn Frauen Frauen lieben Paperback, in zeer goede staat. Waltraud Durmeier; € 10,00 In winkelwagen
Das schwule Lexikon Das schwule Lexikon Paperback, in zeer goede staat. Geillustreerd. Sebastian Castro; € 10,00 In winkelwagen
Sascha - Das Ende der... Sascha - Das Ende der Unschuld Paperback, in zeer goede staat. Andy Claus; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Help! I`m Living with... Help! I`m Living with a (Man) Boy Paperback, in good condition. Are you tired of finding towels on the bathroom floor? Have you ever walked through a supermarket with a thirty-five-year-old child who wants only the most expensive things on the shelves? How do you go about making men understand the difference between helping out with the housework and doing it? And what about violence? 'Help! Im Living with a Man Boy' has forty-one practical scenarios that many women will identify with immediately plus suggestions for dealing with these situations. This book is about relationships. Its overall aim is to encourage women and men to look more honestly at the way they relate to each other, and to strive for a personal maturity that will allow each of them to enter into the give and take that constitutes relationships based on genuine love, respect and equality. The focus is on mens emotional maturity and the harmful and destructive behaviour which usually accompanies such immaturity. Betty McLellan is careful to point out, that this does not describe all men. Some men have achieved maturity and are contributing in a mature way to their relationships. Others, she admits have a long way to go. Betty McLellan; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Pauls Bucher: 2. Buch.... Pauls Bucher: 2. Buch. Die Wende Gebonden, in zeer goede staat. Joachim Bartholomae (redactie); € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Lauter schone Lugen. Lauter schone Lugen. Paperback, in zeer goede staat. Joachim Bartholomae; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Talking Visions.... Talking Visions. Multicultural Feminism in a Transnational Age Clothbound hardcover with dustjacket in good condition: discolourment of dustjacket on spine and along edges of frontcover. A collection of images and essays on multicultural feminism brings together the contributions of activists, scholars, artists, and curators from a broad range of disciplines. Ella Shohat (ed.); € 60,00 In winkelwagen
De hele vrouw De hele vrouw Paperback, met leesvouw, in goede staat. Germaine Greer; € 4,79 In winkelwagen
De weg terug. De weg terug. Paperback, met leesvouwen, in goede staat. August Starcke; € 4,00 In winkelwagen
Durers `Melancholie`. Durers `Melancholie`. Paperback, met leesvouw, in goede staat. Psychoanalytische interpretatie van de inhoud van de kopergravure "Melencolia I" van Albrecht Dürer. Alfred von Winterstein; € 4,00 In winkelwagen
herinneringen van een... herinneringen van een onafhankelijke vrouw hardcover, iets scheefgelezen, naam voorin, in goede staat Gerlo, Ada; € 5,48 In winkelwagen
Phanomenologie der... Phanomenologie der Erfahrung Pocket met stofomslag, naam op titelblad, in goede staat. Ronald D. Laing; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
De toekomst van de liefde De toekomst van de liefde Gebonden, in zeer goede staat. Geillustreerd. Adjiedj Bakas; € 4,79 In winkelwagen
Artsen van de ziel. Artsen van de ziel. gebonden, verkleurde rug, beschadigde stofomslag, in redelijke staat geschiedenis en stand van zaken aan het eind van WOII betreffende psychologie, psychiatrie en psychotherapie Beynon Ray, Marie; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
RECLAME KOMPAS RECLAME KOMPAS hardcover met stofomslag, in staat van nieuw Een boek vol praktische waardevolle raadgevingen over hoe reclame werkt Casson, Herbert N.; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Himmlische Liebe Himmlische Liebe Gebonden met stofomslag, in goede staat. Geillustreerd. Dr. L. van der Weck-Erlen; € 10,00 In winkelwagen
Een kind. Of niet? Een kind. Of niet? Paperback, met leesvouw, in goede staat. Mary Harrison; € 5,20 In winkelwagen
Psycholinguistic... Psycholinguistic Learning Disabilities. Paperback, met leesvouwen, naam op titelblad, in redelijk goede staat. Samuel A. Kirk en Winifred D. Kirk; € 4,00 In winkelwagen
Neuropsychological and... Neuropsychological and Cognitive Processes in Reading Gebonden met stofomslag, naam op titelblad, lichte gebruikssporen, in goede staat. Francis J. Pirozzolo en Merlin C. Wittrock (redactie); € 10,00 In winkelwagen
Current controversies... Current controversies and issues in personality Paperback, naam op titelblad, verkleurde rug, met leesvouwen, in redelijk goede staat. * Focus on issues that define the field of personality psychology * Evenhanded coverage of current approaches to personality * Examination of public policy implications of different theoretical views * Engaging writing style that involves students in examining issues critically Lawrence A. Pervin; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Neurologie voor... Neurologie voor paramedische beroepen Paperback, verkleurde rug, met leesvouwen, naam op titelblad, in redelijk goede staat. Geillustreerd. Dr. B.J.J. Ansink, Gaby van Meerwijk en A. Zonneveldt; € 6,39 In winkelwagen
Trilogie. De sexuele... Trilogie. De sexuele Zeden en Gewoonten der Volken in de Loop der Tijden. Dik gebonden boek met stofomslag, vouw in schutblad, verder in goede gebruikte staat. Diverse auteurs.; € 7,19 In winkelwagen
Intelligentie Intelligentie Paperback, in goede staat. Pieter Adrianus Vroon; € 3,19 In winkelwagen
Kleine wonderen en... Kleine wonderen en grote slagschaduwen Paperback, in goede staat. Carolien Visser; € 6,00 In winkelwagen
Pleisters voor de ziel Pleisters voor de ziel Paperback, in goede staat. Rene Diekstra; € 3,19 In winkelwagen
Lust und Schmerz Lust und Schmerz Gebonden met stofomslag, in goede staat. Geillustreerd. Ernst Poppel; € 6,39 In winkelwagen
Pornography Pornography Gebonden met stofomslag, in goede staat. Does freedom of speech always play a more important role in society than the civil rights of certain members of that society? Is pornography an excuse to publish acts of violence? Many respected writers, both men and women, have contributed to this definitive collection of essays concerning pornography. Each has their own view, but they all hold two beliefs in common--a passionate opposition to censorship and a vehement conviction that until pornography is eradicated, women's status can never be equal to men's. Thoroughly researched and passionately argued, these essays examine the possible causal links between pornography and rape, child abuse, and sexual inequality. Material from soft-porn to snuff movies is analyzed. This work includes interviews with alleged victims of pornography and professionals who have treated the alleged perpetrators of pornography-related violence. Contributors include Andrea Dworkin, Michael Moorcock, and Catherine MacKinnon. The Case Against Pornography is an important contribution to anti-pornography debate. Catherine Itzin (redactie); € 14,00 In winkelwagen