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    Sustainism is the New...

    Sustainism is the New Modernism

    Softcover, Engelstalig, in goede staat

    Michiel Schwarz and Joost Elffers' Sustainism Is the New Modernism declares the dawn of a new cultural era, as we transition from modernity to sustainity--towards a world that is more connected, more localist, more digital and more sustainable. As the authors of this clear-eyed manifesto argue, "sustainism marks a shift not only in thinking and doing but in collective perception--of how we live, do business, feed ourselves, design, travel and communicate, as much as how we deal with nature." In the twentieth century, whether we knew it or not, our world was shaped by modernist values, from the design of our cities to our homes, technologies and our conceptions of progress. Sustainism recasts our relationship to all of these things, binding ecological issues to a larger picture of our world. Through a series of graphically dynamic aphorisms, quotes and symbols designed for worldwide use by businesses, individuals and institutions, to signal support for sustainism, Michiel Schwarz and Joost Elffers show how the movement is already reshaping global culture, technology, food and media. With this concise manifesto, they launch the term sustainism into the public consciousness. The sustainist era has begun.
    Michiel Schwarz is a Dutch independent cultural thinker, innovator and producer, now working from Berkeley, California. Originally trained as a sociologist of technology, he has initiated projects on global issues, the future of design, technology and media. His publications include The Technological Culture and Speed: Visions of an Accelerated Age.
    Joost Elffers is a designer, "symbol maker" and creative producer of award-winning and innovative books such as 48 Laws of Power, Play With Your Food and Tangram: The Ancient Chinese Shapes Game.

    Michiel Schwarz Joost Elffers ;

    € 11,50

    Een fantast schrijft...

    Een fantast schrijft geschiedenis

    Dikke Nederlandstalige paperback, in goede staat, with a summary in English

    Weinreb (1910-1988), a Jew, was born in Lvov; his family fled to the Netherlands during World War I. He became an economist and senior staff member of the Nederlands Economisch Instituut. At the time of the Nazi occupation, he had a wife and two daughters. In November 1941, Weinreb lost his job due to the anti-Jewish measures. He then started an emigration swindle, telling Jews in distress that he had permission from the Nazis to organize Jewish emigration to unoccupied France and Portugal; he charged 100 guilders per adult. The Nazis arrested him in September 1942; after three days he was freed. He then became an informer for the Nazis. After the liberation he was accused of betrayal and arrested; he was sentenced to six years in prison, but was released after two months. In the 1950s, he was appointed professor of economics in Jakarta, and then in Ankara. He was involved in scandals relating to Dutch-Indonesian politics and false representation of himself as a gynecologist. However, he developed a following due to his charismatic personality, and became a type of "guru". In the 1960s a furor arose in the Netherlands as to whether Weinreb was a wartime hero (as he described himself in his memoirs) or a collaborator. In 1976, after a thorough investigation, the RIOD published a report concluding that he was a liar and a swindler, and that his collaboration with the Germans had resulted in 70 deaths. Examines Weinreb's life and personality - his fantasies, deceit and credibility - and his interaction with the groups he dealt with - the persecuted, his defenders, civil servants, his "patients", and the social critics.

    Regina Grüter ;

    € 9,50

    Gemengde huwelijken,...

    Gemengde huwelijken, gemengde gevoelens. Aanvaarding en ontwijking van etnisch en religieus verschil sinds 1945

    Paperback in goede staat. Rug verkleurd. Binnenwerk netjes.

    In dit proefschrift (UvA) wordt het acceptatieproces ten aanzien van religieus en etnisch gemengde paren onderzocht. Aandacht voor de historische ontwikkeling en de dagelijkse praktijk van het interreligieus en interetnisch samenleven. Aan de hand van actuele interviews en historisch onderzoek laat de auteur zien dat de omgang met religieus en etnisch verschil wordt gekenmerkt door ontwijking van die verschillen. Diezelfde ontwijking blijkt de acceptatie echter ook te bevorderen. Summary in English. Deel 1 Vermenging onderzocht: behandelt het gemengde huwelijk als testcase voor tolerantie en acceptatie, de stand van het onderzoek in Nederland (voorwaarden voor vermenging, vermenging in historisch perspectief, terminologie van verschil) en trends in onderzoek in Europese landen en de Verenigde Staten. Deel II De veranderende omgang met kerkelijk en etnisch verschil: behandelt de registratie en frequentie van kerkelijk en etnisch gemengde huwelijken, reacties op kerkelijk gemengde huwelijken in de twintigste eeuw, reacties op etnisch gemengde paren in de koloniale tijd en in naoorlogs Nederland. Deel III Etnisch gemengde paren aan het woord. Reacties, ervaringen, strategieën: Indisch- en Moluks-Nederlandse paren, Italiaans- en Spaans-Nederlandse paren in Noord-Holland, Huidkleur onbelangrijk? Surinaams- en Antilliaanse-Nederlandse paren over de omzichtige omgang met zichtbaar verschil, Marokkaans- en Turks-Nederlandse paren over de praktische omgang met religieus en etnisch verschil. Deel IV Nabeschouwing met conclusies uit de interviews met etnisch gemengde paren.

    Dienke Hondius;

    € 9,00

    Joods Nederland

    Joods Nederland

    Hardback met stofomslag in goede staat. Geillustreerd.

    De joden hebben in de Nederlandse cultuur, althans in de Nederlandse cultuur van de laatste vierhonderd jaar, een zeer belangrijke rol gespeeld. Daarnaast hebben de joden, vroeger allemaal, nu niet meer altijd in dezelfde mate, deel aan een eigen cultuur, die in wezen godsdienstig is, maar die zich tot alle gebieden van het leven uitstrekt. Van beide vormen van joodse cultuur zijn overal in Nederland de uitingen te zien. Die variëren van het Spinozahuisje via de Bijenkorf en de grote Amsterdamse synagogen tot een piepklein begraafplaatsje ver in de provincie.

    Jan Stoutenbeek en Paul Vigcveno, die eerder een gids voor joods Amsterdam het licht hebben doen zien, hebben hun werkterrein uitgebreid tot het hele land. En hoewel de Nederlandse joden nooit in groten getale land hebben kunnen verwerven en zo ook nooit plattelanders zijn geworden, is er nog een verbazend aantal plaatsen waar joden niet alleen zijn gaan wonen, maar ook een sjoeltje en een kleine begraafplaats hebben gesticht of andere tekenen hebben achtergelaten.

    Een reisgids in beperkte zin is dit boek niet: in de inleidingen bij ieder hoofdstuk en overal tussen de regels door komt de geschiedenis van de joden in Nederland ter sprake. Die geschiedenis, zeker van lokaal niveau uit bekeken, is niet zo flatteus voor onze niet-joodse voorouders als we misschien zouden denken: vooral in de zeventiende en de achttiende eeuw blijkt de vrijheid die de joden genoten maar zéér relatief te zijn. De joden en hun godsdienst werden gedoogd, maar ambten en beroepen bleven meestal voorbehouden aan christenen. Doordat de joden, ook na het verkrijgen van gelijke rechten in de Franse Tijd, actief bleven in branches als straathandel. textiel en diamant, vormden ze een groep apart binnen de Nederlandse samenleving, tot aan de oorlog.

    Jan Stoutenbeek; Paul Vigeveno;

    € 7,00

    The Genesis of Animal...

    The Genesis of Animal Play

    Paperback in goede staat. Lichte gebruikssporen. Engelstalig.

    In The Genesis of Animal Play, Gordon Burghardt examines the origins and evolution of play in humans and animals. He asks what play might mean in our understanding of evolution, the brain, behavioral organization, and psychology. Is play essential to development? Is it the driving force behind human and animal behavior? What is the proper place for the study of play in the cognitive, behavioral, and biological sciences?

    The engaging nature of play—who does not enjoy watching a kitten attack a ball of yarn?—has made it difficult to study. Some scholars have called play undefinable, nonexistent, or a mystery outside the realm of scientific analysis. Using the comparative perspectives of ethology and psychology, The Genesis of Animal Play goes further than other studies in reviewing the evidence of play throughout the animal kingdom, from human babies to animals not usually considered playful. Burghardt finds that although playfulness may have been essential to the origin of much that we consider distinctive in human (and mammalian) behavior, it only develops through a specific set of interactions among developmental, evolutionary, ecological, and physiological processes. Furthermore, play is not always beneficial or adaptive.

    Part I offers a detailed discussion of play in placental mammals (including children) and develops an integrative framework called surplus resource theory. The most fascinating and most controversial sections of the book, perhaps, are in the seven chapters in part II in which Burghardt presents evidence of playfulness in such unexpected groups of animals as kangaroos, birds, lizards, and "Fish That Leap, Juggle, and Tease." Burghardt concludes by considering the implications of the diversity of play for future research, and suggests that understanding the origin and development of play can shape our view of society and its accomplishments through history.

    Gordon M. Burghardt;

    € 20,00



    Dikke hardback in goede staat. Stofomslag lichte gebruikssporen. Fotokatern. Engelstalig. Linnen band.

    In 1945, disguised in German greatcoat and helmet, Mussolini attempted to escape from the advancing Allied armies. Unfortunately for him, the convoy of which he was part was stopped by partisans and his features, made so familiar by Fascist propaganda, gave him away. Within 24 hours he was executed by his captors, joining those he sent early to their graves as an outcome of his tyranny, at least one million people.

    He was one of the tyrant-killers who so scarred interwar Europe, but we cannot properly understand him or his regime by any simple equation with Hitler or Stalin. Like them, his life began modestly in the provinces; unlike them, he maintained a traditonal male family life, including both wife and mistresses, and sought in his way to be an intellectual. He was cruel (though not the cruellist); his racism existed, but never without the consistency and vigor that would have made him a good recruit for the SS. He sought an empire; but, in the most part, his was of the old-fashioned, costly, nineteenth century variety, not a racial or ideological imperium. And, self-evidently Italian society was not German or Russian: the particular patterns of that society shaped his dictatorship.

    Bosworth'sMussoliniallows us to come closer than ever before to an appreciation of the life and actions of the man and of the political world and society within which he operated. With extraordinary skill and vividness, drawing on a huge range of sources, this biography paints a picture of brutality and failure, yet one tempered with an understanding of Mussolini as a human being, not so different from many of his contemporaries.

    R. J. B. Bosworth;

    € 15,00
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