The Heart of the Race The Heart of the Race Paperback, stains on book block, in good condition. Beverley Bryan, Stella Dadzie and Suzanne Scafe; € 5,50 In winkelwagen
Dominus Dominus Paperback, traces of use, in good condition. Natalie Gittelson; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Pornografie: Bekijk 't... Pornografie: Bekijk 't maar Paperback, met leesvouwen, in redelijk goede staat. Geillustreerd. Karin Spaink (red.); € 3,50 In winkelwagen
Vrouwenverlangens Vrouwenverlangens Paperback, lichte gebruikssporen, in goede staat. Geillustreerd. Bundel essays waarin de schijnoplossingen die aan de - voornamelijk door de moderne media bepaalde - wensen en verlangens van vrouwen tegemoetkomen, geanalyseerd worden. Rosalind Coward; € 3,99 In winkelwagen
Stil genot Stil genot Paperback, iets scheefgelezen, met leesvouw, in goede staat. Dalma Heyn; € 5,99 In winkelwagen
Against Rape Against Rape Hardcover with dustjacket, traces of use, dustjacket is torn in some places, in good condition. Against Rape is one of the earliest texts on a delicate subject, a polemic-cum-survival manual as well a thoughtful study. In 1975 it broke the silence on rape, not only in the United States, but around the world. It was the first book to look at the causes and patterns of rape in order to reduce its power in the minds and lives of women, enable women and men to begin to change a society that engendered it, and help women avoid and/or survive the trauma of rape. It is also a realistic and practical book, explaining how to recognize and avoid dangerous situations and giving instructions on various self-defense techniques and advice on what to do in the event of rape. It also considers the act of rape in context, discussing why it happens, what forms it can take, how it affects the victims and who the rapists are. It has been widely used in rape crisis centers and women's studies courses and was the primary text for Chimera, Inc.'s self-defense courses for women for more than a decade. It has had a major impact on the way our society deals with this crime. Andra Medea and Kathleen Thompson; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Onder ons gezegd en... Onder ons gezegd en gezwegen Paperback met flappen, in goede staat. Geillustreerd. Renee Romkens; € 4,99 In winkelwagen
Engendered Lives Engendered Lives Hardcover with dustjacket, in good condition. Uses examples from film, television, literature, and everyday life to survey all aspects of both women's physical and social experience, and argues that gender bias is embedded in all current social systems Ellyn Kaschak; € 14,99 In winkelwagen
On Being a Woman On Being a Woman Pocket, name on title page, stains on book block, in good condition. Fay Fransella and Kay Frost; € 3,99 In winkelwagen
Hoor haar eens Hoor haar eens Paperback, met leesvouw, in goede staat. Mink van Rijsdijk; € 3,50 In winkelwagen
Women: Psychology's... Women: Psychology's Puzzle Paperback, traces of use, in good condition. Joanna Bunker Rohrbaugh; € 4,99 In winkelwagen
Black women Black women Paperback, in good condition. Margaret Prescod-Roberts and Norma Steele; € 5,99 In winkelwagen
Donkere stemmen Donkere stemmen Paperback, lichte gebruikssporen, vlekjes op bladsnede, in goede staat. Josephine Carson; € 3,99 In winkelwagen
The Habit of Surviving The Habit of Surviving Paperback, in good condition. Kesho Yvonne Scott; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Problems of the... Problems of the Struggle for the Complete Emancipation of Women Paperback, traces of use, in good condition. Vito Kapo; € 12,50 In winkelwagen
Cinq femmes a abattre Cinq femmes a abattre Paperback, verkleurde rug, in goede staat. Germaine Aziz en Marie-Odile Delacour; € 6,50 In winkelwagen
Women in the New Asia. Women in the New Asia. Paperback, with library sticker, in good condition. With illustrations. What impact has the rapid economic development of Asia had on women? Why is Asia still home to the largest number of impoverished women? How does the feminization of poverty, one of the most urgent issues facing the continent, actually take place ? This remarkable book charts the effects of the economic boom on women across Asia. The author, one of Japan’s leading journalists, demonstrates how Asian women are confronting rapid economic development which is accompanied by widespread infringement of human rights. Analysing the lives of women in Japan, Thailand, the Phillipinnes, Taiwan, China, Nepal and Korea, Yayori Matsui explores the impact of globalization - including the feminization of migration and an increase in the trafficking of women sexual violence - from the ‘comfort’ women to child prostitution development projects - the cause of mass deforestation and displacement of communities However she also describes women’s credit co-ops, democratization movements and unionization of women workers. She meets women who have organized anti-logging blockades, literacy classes and campaigns against trafficking. She finds women across Asia resisting the dictatorship of development, the feminization of poverty and patriarchal values. Throughout the continent, she finds the seeds of hope for a new Asia. Yaori Matsui; € 5,00 In winkelwagen
Das geheime Italien... Das geheime Italien der Frauen Paperback met flappen, in goede staat. Adele Cambria; € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Weder Arkadien noch... Weder Arkadien noch Metropolis Paperback, lichte gebruikssporen, in goede staat. Elaine Hoffman Baruch en Ruby Rohrlich (red.); € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Aschenputtels... Aschenputtels Portemonnaie Paperback, in goede staat. Roswita Konigswieser; € 6,50 In winkelwagen
Women and Change in... Women and Change in Latin America Paperback, crease in spine, discoloured spine, with library sticker, in reasonable condition. June Nash and Helen Safa (ed.); € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Sexuele opvoeding. Sexuele opvoeding. Gebonden, in goede staat. Linnen. Goudopdruk. Leeuwen-Vos, W.J. van; € 6,50 In winkelwagen
Meisjes tussen slikken... Meisjes tussen slikken en vertikken Paperback, in goede staat. Geillustreerd. Monika Savier en Carola Wildt; € 4,99 In winkelwagen
WAC stats WAC stats Paperback, in good condition. Women's Action Coalition (ed.); € 6,50 In winkelwagen
Fit Work for Women Fit Work for Women Paperback, crease in spine, discoloured spine, in good condition. Sandra Burman (ed.); € 7,50 In winkelwagen
Het sexcomplex Het sexcomplex Paperback, licht verkleurde rug, met leesvouw, in goede staat. Verroen, Sarah; € 3,99 In winkelwagen
Learning to Lose Learning to Lose Paperback, traces of use, in good condition. Dale Spender and Elizabeth Sarah; € 4,50 In winkelwagen
Good Guys, Bad Guys Good Guys, Bad Guys Hardcover, traces of use, in good condition. Shere Hite and Kate Colleran; € 9,95 In winkelwagen
Ik heb het nooit aan... Ik heb het nooit aan iemand verteld Paperback, met leesvouwen, in goede staat. Ellen Bass en Louise Thornton (red.); € 3,99 In winkelwagen
Durch dichte Dornen Durch dichte Dornen Paperback, in goede staat. Ellen Rachut; € 8,50 In winkelwagen
Sex in de fotografie Sex in de fotografie Softcover, in goede staat. Geillustreerd. Hans Borrebach; € 7,50 In winkelwagen