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    Papi, Silvio Berlusconi

    Papi, Silvio Berlusconi

    Dikke paperback, zo goed als nieuw. Mooi ex. 

    Biografie van de Italiaanse minister-president met speciale aandacht voor de verstrengeling van zijn politieke en zakelijke belangen.

    Peter Gomez, Marco Lillo en Marco Travaglio, allen gelauwerde en gelouterde Italiaanse journalisten die voor verschillende kranten verslag doen van grote corruptieschandalen, omkopingen en maffi apraktijken, schetsen in Papi een gedetailleerd en ontluisterend beeld van de handelswijze van minister-president Berlusconi (leider van de politieke partij Popolo della Liberta, eigenaar van het Italiaans media-imperium Mediaset en een van de eigenaren van de voetbalclub AC Milan) en zijn entourage. En dan vooral van de wijze waarop zij over de rug van het Italiaanse electoraat samenzweren en de boel belazeren, waarbij niet alleen actrices en escorts zijn betrokken...

    Aan de hand van afgetapte telefoongesprekken, opgenomen door Italiaanse aanklagers en politieofficieren en interviews en artikelen uit kranten en tijdschriften, tonen de auteurs aan hoe Berlusconi Kamerleden, officieren van justitie en mediaspecialisten probeerde om te kopen en hen in allerlei compromitterende situaties trachtte te brengen. Papi gaat ook uitgebreid over Berlusconi en de vrouwen. Veel van de jongedames die in allerlei schandalen rondom Berlusconi verwikkeld raakten, zetelen nu in het Europees Parlement, als dank voor hun aanwezigheid in Berlusconi`s buitenhuis in Sardinie of bij feesten in Rome. Ook wordt dieper ingegaan op de zaak-Noemi Letizia. Berlusconi nam de toen zeventienjarige in november 2008 mee naar een officieel diner in een Romeinse villa met ministers en captains of industry....

    Peter Gomez ;

    € 7,50 € 6,00

    China, Hong Kong,...

    China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Inc.

    Engelstalige pocket, in very good condition, like new. Text in English. Translated from the Dutch by Diana Webb.

    On the eve of June 30, Hong Kong was officially passed back to China. This event will mark what Willem van Kemenade sees as the start of an increasingly problematic -- and even dangerous -- reintegration of the old Chinese empire into a new world superpower. Since the early 1980s, investment money has been pouring into China from Hong Kong and trade has escalated at a rocket's pace. A few years later, the same pattern began between China and Taiwan. The combination of Hong Kong/Taiwan management, financial and export know-how with China's inexhaustible pool of cheap labor and land has enabled China in one decade to leap from an impoverished revolutionary state to a major international trading power. This economic boom, in conjunction with the violation of intellectual property rights, systematic tax fraud, and the corruption of the police force, has helped shape the "socialist market economy," China's third way -- and a new mix of old-fashioned Soviet Communism and East Asian capitalism.

    The formal addition of Hong Kong will add to this mixture the democratic structures set in place by the British. And, as China moves to reclaim Taiwan (the process has already begun), it will be incorporating a rival Chinese sub-nation with a fully election-based political system and a powerful independence movement. Can such a reunified China resist the "spiritual pollution" of democratic values, human rights, and political freedom? Will it become the first depoliticized "corporatist superpower"? What are the prospects that reunification will be peaceful?

    Van Kemenade's portrait of the true internal power structures of the three Chinas provides our clearest look yet at the fastest-rising new empire in the world today.

    Willem Van Kemenade ;

    € 9,50

    Sustainism is the New...

    Sustainism is the New Modernism

    Softcover, Engelstalig, in goede staat

    Michiel Schwarz and Joost Elffers' Sustainism Is the New Modernism declares the dawn of a new cultural era, as we transition from modernity to sustainity--towards a world that is more connected, more localist, more digital and more sustainable. As the authors of this clear-eyed manifesto argue, "sustainism marks a shift not only in thinking and doing but in collective perception--of how we live, do business, feed ourselves, design, travel and communicate, as much as how we deal with nature." In the twentieth century, whether we knew it or not, our world was shaped by modernist values, from the design of our cities to our homes, technologies and our conceptions of progress. Sustainism recasts our relationship to all of these things, binding ecological issues to a larger picture of our world. Through a series of graphically dynamic aphorisms, quotes and symbols designed for worldwide use by businesses, individuals and institutions, to signal support for sustainism, Michiel Schwarz and Joost Elffers show how the movement is already reshaping global culture, technology, food and media. With this concise manifesto, they launch the term sustainism into the public consciousness. The sustainist era has begun.
    Michiel Schwarz is a Dutch independent cultural thinker, innovator and producer, now working from Berkeley, California. Originally trained as a sociologist of technology, he has initiated projects on global issues, the future of design, technology and media. His publications include The Technological Culture and Speed: Visions of an Accelerated Age.
    Joost Elffers is a designer, "symbol maker" and creative producer of award-winning and innovative books such as 48 Laws of Power, Play With Your Food and Tangram: The Ancient Chinese Shapes Game.

    Michiel Schwarz Joost Elffers ;

    € 11,50
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