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    A People's History of...

    A People's History of the United States 1492-Present

    Zeer dikke hardback in goede staat. Stofomslag lichte gebruikssporen. Engelstalig.

    Since its original landmark publication in 1980, A People's History of the United States has been chronicling American history from the bottom up, throwing out the official version of history taught in schools -- with its emphasis on great men in high places -- to focus on the street, the home, and the, workplace.

    Known for its lively, clear prose as well as its scholarly research, A People's History is the only volume to tell America's story from the point of view of -- and in the words of -- America's women, factory workers, African-Americans, Native Americans, the working poor, and immigrant laborers. As historian Howard Zinn shows, many of our country's greatest battles -- the fights for a fair wage, an eight-hour workday, child-labor laws, health and safety standards, universal suffrage, women's rights, racial equality -- were carried out at the grassroots level, against bloody resistance. Covering Christopher Columbus's arrival through President Clinton's first term, A People's History of the United States, which was nominated for the American Book Award in 1981, features insightful analysis of the most important events in our history.

    Revised, updated, and featuring a new after, word by the author, this special twentieth anniversary edition continues Zinn's important contribution to a complete and balanced understanding of American history.

    Howard Zinn;

    € 20,00

    De pausen

    De pausen

    Dikke paperback met flappen in goede staat. Leesvouw in rug. 2 Fotokaternen.

    De geschiedenis van het pausdom - de oudste monarchie ter wereld - wemelt van intrige, moord, verraad en mysterie. De Britse historicus John Julius Norwich vertelt het verhaal van de pausen van Petrus tot nu met verbluffende helderheid. Hij deinst niet terug voor smakelijke details maar houdt de grote lijn scherp in het oog. Daarbij weet hij met speels gemak sprekende documenten te vinden uit de tijd zelf, zoals brieven en dagboeken met vaak onthutsende inhoud.
    Sommige pausen waren helden en heiligen, andere juist genotzuchtige levensgenieters, gewetenloze schurken of meedogenloze opportunisten. Het knappe is dat Norwich nooit schoonwast of demoniseert: van elke paus weegt hij licht- en schaduwzijde eerlijk en open tegen elkaar af. Een geldwolf kan best een prima bestuurder zijn, en een heilige een nul in diplomatie.
    Veel aandacht heeft Norwich ook voor de verdiensten van de pausen op het gebied van kunst en cultuur in Rome. Tal van prikkelende vragen passeren de revue. Waarom was er ooit een hele vleugel van het Vaticaan ingericht voor een moslimprins, die bij de bevolking van Rome veel populairder was dan de paus zelf? Ligt Petrus wel echt onder de St. Pieter begraven? Was er echt een weergaloos aantrekkelijke Romeinse schoonheid, die achtereenvolgens zowel haar minnaar als haar zoon op de Heilige Stoel wist te installeren? Was er ooit een bordeel gevestigd in het paleis van Lateranen? Was Pius XII werkelijk een antisemiet en racist? En hoe stond de Romeinse bevolking tegenover de pauselijke heerschappij?

    John Julius Norwich;

    € 8,50

    The Medieval Church

    The Medieval Church

    Paperback in redelijk goede staat. Vouwtje in achterplat en enkele achterliggende pagina's. Engelstalig.

    Why does one's concept of the medieval church have a direct bearing on one's attitude toward ecumenism? How was Europe evangelized? Why is it essential to understand the different relationships of church-to-state between the West and Byzantium in order to understand the church's role in Eastern culture today? What common practices of public worship and personal piety have their roots in the medieval church? The Medieval Church: From the Dawn of the Middle Ages to the Eve of the Reformation addresses these questions and many more to demonstrate the pervasive influence of the past on modern piety, practice, and beliefs. For many years the Medieval period of church history has been ignored or denigrated as being the "dark ages," an attitude fostered by Enlightenment assumptions. Yet not only does this millennium provide a bridge to the early church, it created modern Europe and its nations, institutions, and the concept of Christendom as well. The Medieval Church, written in an easily accessible style, introduces the reader to the fascinating interplay of authority and dissent, the birth and development of doctrinal beliefs, the spirituality of the common person, and the enduring allure of Christian mysticism. The Medieval Church is a companion to The Early Church: Origins to the Dawn of the Middle Ages by E. Glenn Hinson and The Modern Church: From the Dawn of the Reformation to the Eve of the Third Millennium by Glenn Miller.

    Carl A. Volz;

    € 11,99

    The Waning of the...

    The Waning of the Renaissance, 1550-1640

    Engelstalige paperback, naam voorin, in zeer goede staat. 

    Historians have conventionally viewed intellectual and artistic achievement as a seamless progression in a single direction, with the Renaissance, as identified by Jacob Burckhardt, as the root and foundation of modern culture. But in this brilliant new analysis William Bouwsma rethinks the accepted view, arguing that while the Renaissance had a beginning and, unquestionably, a climax, it also had an ending.

    Examining the careers of some of the greatest figures of the age--Montaigne, Galileo, Jonson, Descartes, Hooker, Shakespeare, and Cervantes among many others--Bouwsma perceives in their work a growing sense of doubt and anxiety about the modern world. He considers first those features of modern European culture generally associated with the traditional Renaissance, features which reached their climax in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. But even as the movements of the Renaissance gathered strength, simultaneous impulses operated in a contrary direction. Bouwsma identifies a growing concern with personal identity, shifts in the interests of major thinkers, a decline in confidence about the future, and a heightening of anxiety.

    Exploring the fluctuating and sometimes contradictory atmosphere in which Renaissance artists and thinkers operated, Bouwsma shows how the very liberation from old boundaries and modes of expression that characterized the Renaissance became itself increasingly stifling and destructive. By drawing attention to the waning of the Renaissance culture of freedom and creativity, Bouwsma offers a wholly new and intriguing interpretation of the place of the European Renaissance in modern culture.

    Bouwsma, William James ;

    € 20,00
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